Chapter 01: Lengi

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Utsi strolled on in not having a care in the world what others thought. Sometimes I would roll my eyes at this nonsense. Bleh. He irritates me, but I have dealt with worse.

At least he's not that silly ole' bum who had the audacity to try to rob me of my pocketwatch. The one my grandfather passed down to my elegant self. Such selfishness this showed. He didn't care that it was MINE that MY grandfather had passed it down to ME. It was MY pocketwatch and he could not take it!

That's beside the point. Utsi had been there beside me since I was a lad. If he was crying I was the one who had to deal with it. Ever since he has stuck around. My mother didn't like him much, but my dad replaced ME with him. So now at my top rated High school, I study and he mocks my need to get into that damn university. If I don't make it my life will be ruined.

That day was the worst of them all. He wouldn't acknowledge my presence! Rude bastard! He was looking at Jevir! Of all people he had to choose the psycho! Nulily said it wasn't me he was avoiding. She said it was my "Attitude".

"What is THAT supposed to mean?" Nulily laughed her ugly laugh. Snorting in the middle of it.

"You know.... That selfishness in your voice. Makes you seem like a jerk..," She said laughing again.

I decided after carefully calculating my outcome, to shoot back at this arrogant girl.

"And I was trying to avoid your petty insults for today."

"Excuse me?"

"That's right! And Now I am leaving!"

I walked away from her with an utter silence making sure to give her a death glare on the turn. I knew how much she hated that. Now I was content. She could be as rude and arrogant as she wanted. I will always be the winner. That I am sure of.

Now it is 11:23 am. In precisely two minutes I am to eat a luscious lunch. I shall have a salad dressed with ranch and with extra cheese added atop. I'll sit at that sweet white table with the red table cloth. Beautiful.

I finally sit at the table and put the napkin on my lap carefully. Then I pull out my pocket watch and check the time. 11:26 a.m.

"A minute late," I say. Jevir, Nulily, and Utsi come in a few minutes later. My cook comes in with 3 special dishes. My salad extra cheese dripping with ranch dressing, a Comte Cheese Souffle with Prosciutto, and a Coffee and Cream Risotto to share. As my servants dished us up, we ended up having a rather boring conversation about the weather.

"Ah.. so it's been rather sunny recently..." They nod in agreement.

With lunch out of the way we have four other events on our schedule. 'Gathering assignments from 1pm to 3pm, A resterant (Hour long gap for deciding) 4pm to 6pm then Library for study 6 pm to 7 pm, bed.' I get up and give a slight not to my servants to let them know to clean everything up.

"So we're headed off to gather homework and stuff!" Utsi says loudly as he gets up. This clues the others in to finish up. I of course sit quietly as the others clank and crash around making all noise possible. 'Ugh.. Peseants..'

Nothing too interesting happened till we made it to the library. The Librarian flirted with Utsi. How could that possibly happen?! Girls should flirt with the brains in the operation. Ahem! ME! So I made it my mission to make an impression. I grabbed all the books I could. Including a dictionary and thesaurus. I shuffled through the books to make sure I didn't pick up any stupid ones, pushed up my glasses, made my hair flawless and went to the counter. "Hey miss, I'd like to check out these books." She checked them out for me and asked "Psychology, Biology, and journalism?" I gulped and nodded. "Interesting career choices.." She said hesitantly. I grabbed my books and sat on a bean bag in the way back. 'How could I be so stupid..?' I thought to myself.

After all the events listed had concluded, I decided to get a start on opening my letters. I'd have plenty to read and reply to. My servants kindly organized them by last initial of who sent them and by date. Oldest in back, newest in front. 'First letter'

Dear Bro,

It's been messy without you! I miss you man! Nothing's been boring since you've left! No offence man! How's life? Is Utsi still your friend? Man, I sure miss Nulily. She was so hot..

'Ugh' I can't bare to read more of this nonsense! My younger brother James is disgusting. He was all over Nulily when I was in middle school. It was beyond disturbing. Nulily was kind to the brat. I think she enjoyed the attention.

'No more letters! Bed!' I'll finally get my well deserved rest. 'Wait... This is rather interesting..' I think walking into my room. "MAID!!!!" I call in frustration. It looks like My brother AND Utsi tried to make a mess of this place together. EWW!

The maid comes in and after a moment has a shocked look on her face and rushes to clean up. Utsi looking excited and rather rough jumps out of my closet yelling "BOO!" The maid and Utsi swear I started screaming. I was just calling for someone to assist me... Shivering.. Cause it was.. Cold..? Ahem.. I made them leave and told my servants not to let them in for a month.

"You're overreacting. It's a joke! Man you must be scared!" Utsi laughed.

"No I'm simply preventing any future threats." I say calmly.

Utsi rolls his eyes leaving the room. The maid finishes cleaning and I have a bodyguard escort me to another room to sleep in until the maid can get it cleaned up.

I sleep soundly awaiting the morning light.

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