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(Hey readers!!!I thought this one up after i published the introduction LOL! So i hope i can think up the first chapter in 10 seconds. Ten seconds later -..- ) 

Akira's Pov: 

My name is Meredith D. Akira. The Prince of Anime apparently, and yes, I'm aware that it is such a cringy title but I put all blame on my father.

Another title of mine is that I am also the first-mate of the Straw Hat pirates in the world of One Piece. Which is in Neko1290's fanfic and yes, I'm aware I just broke down the fourth wall but I'm the freakin' prince of anime.

Anyway, it isn't an unknown fact (and even if your new to all this, it really shouldn't be that hard to figure out), I'm pretty OP. Well, at least stronger then the rest of the crew. So during the 2 year training period, I had absolutely nothing that exciting to do, so my old man decided to send me into a different universe where he said I might have fun.

I don't remember much but I awoke under a tree with Eve under my lap sleeping peacefully. I stroked his head and smiled softly under my white fedora.

Well isn't this relaxing? Thanks Dad, I guess I do need a relaxing peaceful vacation after all the craziness in the world of One Piece, the sky is really beautiful here to.... I'm getting tired.

I was going to relax and doze off like my dear partner Eve was but I heard footsteps. And sensed human presence. 

I opened my eyes to see a figure running towards me from the distance? Someone who lives in this world? I wonder why there in such a hurry.

...And is it just me or the figure thats coming closer is actually a lot taller then I thought, could this universe have that tall of humans?

...Ok, is a 15m human normal around here?

And is he naked?! 

Suddenly I sensed a presence behind me and I instantly jumped away just before giant hands could grab around me. 

A face smiled down at me with such dead eyes and a face that seemed frozen in time.

"...Oh f*ck my life. I'm in Attack on Titan aren't I."

Thank you so much dear father, I'll be sure to give you the finest wines and ship parings when I return so that you may see just how thankful I am for your geniusness for sending me into a world where human are brutally devoured by naked giants and where apparently no one can see how its completely obvious who the titan shifters are just based on there appearances.

Oh and perhaps I should introduce you to sarcasm while I'm in the middle of my tearful praise.

While in the middle of my praising (cursing), I continuously dodged the grabby hands before backflipping onto the titan's head to avoid the other grabby hand that showed up behind me.

Great. Two abnormal titans, life is so generous---Wait, nope. Not going to jinx this. This show literally listens to your every words. 

Example 1: "We're unbeatable! Ha! Let the colossal titan show up, we have a chance to win!" Eren smiles. Two seconds later = Colossal titan appears.

Example 2: "I can't die, because I'm the main character--" " Oh look, Eren got eaten."

Example 3: "Just trust in our skills Eren! We're strong!" " basically the entire Levi Squad got killed in less than a minute."

Welcome to reality of Attack on Titan, where literally everything is against Eren and his gang. 

Even though Attack on Titan is like one of the most greatest anime's I've watched, I don't think this is a good vacation spot.

Suddenly Eve's necklace began to glow. Meaning a message from my father, also known as the GOA (God of Anime). 

"Hey Akira! So your probably either cursing me or bowing down to me. I'll take both. But hey, your the Prince of Anime, your training in One Piece will briefly be paused while you spend you time in this universe. So until you fulfill a certain purpose in this world, only then are you allowed to return to the world of One Piece, of course you can always return or stay here longer. Your powers are limited, you know because having the power to use any power of any anime character is way too OP. Anyway, try to survive. I know you will but remember, your not immortal yet, so if you die, you really will die. Well, have fun, and do feel free to mess around as much as you like, but be aware of he consequences."

Yeah, that's great old man, so could you have, I don't know, dropped me off at Wall Maria or something and not in the middle of nowhere where I'm titan's bait?

"Well... at least he didn't take away my powers, not that I plan to use them yet." I smirked as I took 2 kunai's out of my shoe. I didn't need my powers to be OP, I'm a genius after all, and I didn't sit down and drink from a milk bottle all my life. Fighting and weaponry has always been much more exciting.

(A/N: For those who haven't read Neko1290 One Piece fanfic, Akira, because he's the prince of anime, can use the abilities of any anime character. Of course, because that would be entirely too OP for this story, we're limiting it. I think.)

"I know its not exactly your fault for wanting to eat me." Hey, I read the manga, I know all about titan's orgins and that stuff. "But I'm afraid only the strongest can survive at the moment.



Two humongous bodies fell, already evaporating as I landed gracefully.

"Aw...this is kind of disappointing." I mumbled to myself as I stared at my kunai's that started to crumble before breaking into tiny pieces.

"No wonder they have like four sets of blades in 3DM gear, my kunai broke from just 2 slashes." I tched.

Ok, now that the threat is dealt with. Recap.

 I was in Attack on Titan the place where it Hell. It turned into hell because of beings called Titans.

These humanoid flesh eating creatures supposedly appeared suddenly out of nowhere, and in a blink of an eye, the human race was on the break of extinction. At least, that's what they believed

 The remaining population of humans retreated behind three walls. The first wall was known as Wall Maria the second wall inside of Wall Maria was called Wall Rose the last wall was called Wall Sina the King and most Nobles live inside this wall because it was the most safest wall of them all.  

In the military, the survey corps, and the main characters, go on expeditions outside the walls every few months. The chance of coming back alive is probably 30% I think. 

Well, I try my best not to die, I might as well enjoy my time here while hopefully somehow fulfill my reason of being here unconsciously. 

Somehow, another part of me felt that this nonchalance attitude would die pretty quickly. I'm kind of dreading it. Its one thing to see characters die on screen, its another when you see people die right in front of your eyes.

 I picked up the still sleeping Eve and put him under my fedora then I got up and started to run like ninja's from Naruto. Hey, its better to then to walk.

Attack on Titan (SnK): The Ocean Blue PrinceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat