Captain Swan // Home Sweet Home

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Two weeks passed since Killian and Emma left for an Anniversary get away and today was the day they came home , they pulled up to their house, they sat quietly in the bug before Killian Exhaled getting Emmas attention, looking at each other they smiled

"Ready love" Killian looked over at the house

"I guess so" she laughed

" we can go to the Jolly Roger " he lifted his eyebrow

" no , i miss the kids" she smiled at him

they got out the car slowly walking up to the door of the rather large home , Killian intended to fill it with a family of their own and now they have , they opened the door to screaming children

"Neal , stop making Hannah cry " Snow Yelled at the little prince

" Who's making the Princess cry" killian said putting the luggage down

snow came in from the living room with  Hannah beside her

"Daddy , Mommy " she ran to her parents

"Hi Princess " Killian Kissed her  cheek multiple times 

"Mommy, Neal took Molly from me again " she extended her arms to Emma

" Neal don't make me use my powers " she looked over to Neal taking Her daughter in her arms , hugging her tightly


David came from down stairs with Hayden in his arms

" she should, its rude to pick on a princess Neal " David gave him a stern look

" Hi mommy " Hayden smiled as David set him down

"What about me " Killian watched as his son went over to Emma

" Im mad at you "

"Why" Killian scrunched his face

" cause  you said I wasn't allowed on the Jolly Roger till you got back " Hayden scrunched his face back at His father

" Because Henry wanted to use it " Killian smiled "but im back now, which means i can take you "

Hayden's smile went wide

"Yay" he wiggled out of Emmas arms and ran up stairs to get his coat

David laughed watching his grandson wobble up the stairs

" How was the trip " David looked over to his Daughter and Son inlaw

Emma and Killian smiled at each other

"Fine" Emma laughed

"By the exchange of looks i hope I'll be expecting another grandchild " Snow laughed

"Mom" Emmas eyes widened

"Well we better get going, Regina and Robin are waiting to discuss Rowans Birthday, Shes acting like Bridezilla minus a wedding involved " Snow packed up

"I dont blame her , remember Hannah's birthday " Emma laughed

"How could anyone forget that day " Killian said with a raised eyebrow 

" okay well we better go , Goodnight sweetie " David kissed Emmas head while Snow hugged Killian

"Goodnight " Emma said walking them over to the door "Night booger" she ruffled Neals hair , he just laughed 

They laughed at the nickname Emma had given him , he was practically glued to her parents the best nickname for him was booger , she closed the door behind walking over to Killian
The house was quiet for a moment then Hannah shouted

"Mom Hayden's Being mean "  they heard her from upstairs

"Home sweet home love" Killian laughed then kissed his wife's forehead they both headed upstairs to solve the problem their little ones had going on

// Short but ehh//-Halo

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