funny things I just thought of #1

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Can we all just imagine Lauren is fighting Lafayette for (Y/N) and she's not paying attention because she's sooooooooo into the book she's reading and they both just scream,"(Y/N)!" And she just slowly looks up with this look of "Bitch I was reading know you gonna pay" and the color drains from their faces and she starts chasing them with her notebook, and the boys are just absolutely terrified because her notebooks huge, and washington and five other soldiers hold her back and washington just asks,"hey why is she so angry?" and Lafayette answers between sniffs,"We interrupted her while she was reading her favorite book." And Washington just looks at her shaming her.

Another one was 

I can just see Lafayette and (Y/N) are sharing a scarf and she loves it but acts like she really hates it soooooooooooo much?

I cried thinking of this, I can just see everyone sobbing over (Y/N)'s dead body and everyone stops and the British soldiers are confused, and (Y/N)'s lifeless body's bleeding from the heart since she was shot there and Lafayette is so sad he points a gun to his forhead and everyone's freaking out and the British are so confused and one see's her body and breaks down crying because it's his cousin and everyone goes quiet and turns out she's not dead she just had a hole in her shirt that had red tea stain on it, and she just passed out because she didn't sleep for weeks and everyone's really fucking pissed off because they stopped everything for her and everyone was crying and she's so fucking confused and out of no were Washington pulls a book out and just hits her head and she starts crying because she's so confused and her cousin walks over picks her up and smash's his head against her's and she's even more confused then ever? And lafayette leaves for france and doesn't tell her? LOVElY RIGHt?

hehehe I couldn't help it

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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