Chapter 4

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Talking about pups was more difficult  than Katharine had hoped. Nox and Chaos were growling at eachother to find out who would carry the pups. Katharine had made it very clear that after the many pups she already had, she wouldn't carry another one. It was up to Nox and Chaos to work it out. "Mom! Mom! I have great news!" The door to their room flew open and Dabria rushed inside. "Mom, I got amazing-. Oh, did i interrupt something?" Katharine went to close the door and shook her head. "Not at all. Your fathers are being silly little children. What is the amazing news, Dab?" Dabria touched the ground with her hand and a small orchid grew out of the cavern floor. "I can controle plants, mom! I found out a second ago when my rose bush died and I wanted it to grow back." Katharine took her daughters hands and pulled her of the ground hugging her. "That is amazing! Have you talked to your mate about this already? He might get mad that others now before him." Dabria's eyes grew wide. "I should go! I will see you all at dinner. We could talk about my training." Dabria sprinted out the door straight to her mate who would be as surprised as her mother. "About you two. Let Chaos have the first litter and then Nox can have the second one. I am not getting any pups anymore, because I turn into a monster when I am pregnant. Both of you pregnant at the same time would cause chaos. I will get the nursery ready and you talk it out. " She kissed both her mates on the lips and left to the room connected to theirs. Dust was gathering on the furniture and she knew that it will take a while to get everything clean. She opened the closet and looked at the baby clothes in there. Ruined. She took them out and threw them on the floor promising to get new ones. She heard soft moans from her bedroom and rolled her eyes. I said talk it out. Not start humping eachother. She should have expected it to happen, but she felt a bit left out. Katharine growled softly and went back to her room. Chaos and Nox looked at her. Both their faces filled with lust. "Oh, don't mind me. I am enjoying the show." Nox growled and kissed Chaos passionately before continuing his thrusts. Lovely. Katharine thought before leaning back on the chair.

Dabria was Katherin's youngest child by forty-one years old. She shared the same silver hair with her father Chaos and Katherine's freckles. Before she found out she could bend nature, she learned how to become a healer, but never got to Phiona's skill level. She didn't mind that at all. Now she had more time to be with her mate Anthony, a healer as well. Anthony took the news of her gift very well and he made her decorate their cavern with beautiful flowers and vines. "Dabria, Anthony took it well I see." Dabria swalled the piece of chicken and patted Jona on the head. "Of course, mom. He might be from Crescent Moon, but he is very loving." Katherine laughed and took Oberon, Jona's twin, in her arms. "What would you think of having another brother or sister? Your dad's and I have been talking." Dabria put her fork down before looking her mom straight in the eyes, blue and red from the moment she can remember. "Mom, you can do what you want. I don't mind having another sister or brother as long as I am not on babysitting duty all the time. I've got enough with these two little devils already, but you had made it pretty clear that you won't be carrying anymore, because you turn into a hungry monster." Katherine laughed and looked at Chaos and Nox who were talking to her other children. "Yes, I did say that. Your dads will be carrying. Hopefully not at the same time, because I don't think that would be a good idea." Dabria blushed and told her mom she rather didn't know about that.

Alastair had Luke on his lap while talking strategy with Chaos. "It would be a good plan not to put too many of our people in danger, so I would suggest a different approach than a bloodbath." Chaos raised a brow. He had a similar thought about it. His people shouldn't suffer for this. "What is your plan, Alastair? I know you won't tell me this, if you hadn't thought about it already." Alastair motioned Nox and Katharine over. "I was thinking about our river and lakes. We had plans on expanding the lakes for more and bigger fish and maybe a relaxing area where we could swim. I have studied the maps and our waterfall and river are the source of Daemon's triving lands. The river splits in two at the border of his land and flows around it before flowing back together. So what if we can stop the flow of the river and make our plans for the new lakes reality a little sooner and we can try to direct the river to where we want and that is a barren land. Daemon would slowly lose his food supply, by animals leaving and crops not growing." Nox looked impressed. "That honestly is a great idea, but it will take a lot of man power. I will need to take the other earthly gifted to hallow out another mountain soon then and we'd need to start gathering seeds for the plants there. Maybe some people even want to move there and open little stores there." Katharine laughed at her mate. "Of course you are the one thinking of stores. The plan is great, Alastair, we'll try to put it in motion as soon as possible." They continued chatting for a bit while eating their dessert.

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