-My Heart Was Stolen-

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It was like everyday was the same as the other day, it's like his beautiful, glistening eyes haunt my dreams when I sleep. It's like my love for him is unconditional. Why can't I stop? Why can't I forget about the day my heart was stolen? His name was Travis he'd moved into my apartment building a couple weeks back, I remember the gorgeous smile he gave me as we  walked past each other. I remember the smell of his clothes, how I loved it. But good things never last long.. I was walking down the street to meet my friend, whom i hadn't talked to for a few years. When I was scrolling through Facebook I saw that a guy aged 19 was hit by a moving vehicle yesterday at around 8:00. His name was travis. My heart stopped for a few seconds as I gathered my On going thoughts I sat down on he nearest bench and messaged my friend who i was supposed to meet.
Me: Hey Julia?
Julia: Yes Aphmau?
Me: I don't think I can meet you today..
Julia: why is that?
Me: My um, friend has passed away..
Julia: oh god I'm so sorry it's totally fine.
Me: thanks..
I called a taxi it arrived after 5 minutes of waiting. I stared out the window looking for anything to take my mind of my grief but nothings was working his face his everything was to much to handle. Why did this have to happen, WHY did it have to be him..
I guess I'll have to move on, but I don't think I can.

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