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When they drove past Anne's Datsun he noticed she had fallen asleep. Things had been quiet for the last fifteen minutes as both driver and passenger were feeling the effects of the long, strenuous night. She had slouched down in the seat, her head leaning against the bottom of the window on her hand. Her car was now well buried under the ever-mounting snow.

As he navigated the last few miles left to his mobile home, Hopper started worrying that he had made a bad call with having her stay the night at his place. He didn't know this girl from a hole in the wall. He could wake in the morning to find she had taken his TV and truck and gone to Mexico. Or she might burn the place down around them while he slept. Or what if she made up her mind to stay? Flashes of Play Misty for Me ran through Hopper's mind, increasing his blood-pressure.

Taking a deep breath, Hopper reminded himself that he was overreacting. He had dealt with monsters before, both human and otherwise, and had come out alive on the other side. Besides, his gut told him that she was just a normal girl trying to get herself to her brother's. A little rudderless, perhaps, but innocent enough.

When he finally pulled into his yard, Hopper almost groaned in relief. He put the truck in park and shut off the engine, casting a look at his still sleeping passenger. She seemed pretty knocked out and he decided to take the opportunity to go inside and maybe straighten the place up a bit before she saw it.

As quietly as he could, he climbed out of the Blazer and closed the door after him. Wading through the snow, he made it to his door and hurried with unlocking it. He hadn't used to keep his place locked, it was Hawkins after all. But ever since Brenner's men bugged the joint, Hopper was way more mindful about keeping his home secured when he wasn't there.

Once inside, he did a mad dash around the house, collecting the empty beer cans, emptying the ashtrays, removing his various articles of clothing that were lying around. When it looked a little more presentable, Hopper headed back out to the truck to wake his guest.

Not wanting her to tumble out into the snow, he opened the driver's door instead.

"Hey. Anne. We're here."

She lifted her head, first looking out the window at his home and then over her shoulder at him, uncurling her cloaked limbs to stretch.

"Okay," she groaned and grabbed her bag from off the floor. Hopper hustled back around to the passenger side, taking her bag from her and closing the truck's door after she stepped out. He led the way back up to his now brightly lit home.

"I'm just gonna change the sheets on the bed real quick-"

"I'd rather sleep on the couch." She was already sitting down and untying her laced up boots.

"What? Are you sure?"


Hopper lifted his eyebrows, but let it go. He put her bag down beside the coffee table before removing his hat and hanging it on the coat tree by the door. Peeling off his coat, he headed to his bedroom, leaving Anne to get herself situated in the living room. He changed quickly into his casual clothes. He wasn't much for pajamas, opting to sleep in his shorts, but he was still craving that beer he promised himself hours ago and wasn't about to wander out there undressed.

He opened his door with the intention of calling out to her that he was about to leave his bedroom in case she was not altogether decent. But the small gap he gave himself to talk through showed a straight shot into the living room and his voice was arrested in his throat as his eyes caught on his guest who stood removing her bulky snowsuit and gear directly in his line of sight.

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