An Old Season Ends, A new one Begins

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[Yuuri's P.O.V]

I take a deep breath in. I breathe out. I tell myself that today is the day that I will finally get what I always dreamed of. I feel myself shaking as I walk down the aisle to my waiting husband, who stands at the alter, the golden sun shining on his white suit, I blush at him, and he smiles at me, his eyes showing signs of tears. My husband crying, for me? My heart is racing and suddenly I hear the cries of a child, instead of Viktor, calling my name. I soon enough turn to look at the voice calling me, but as I do turn to look, I find myself actually sitting up in bed waking to the sound of my daughter crying in her crib. She may be two, but she's not allowed to have a regular bed just yet, for fear she might get up in the night. She only just learned to walk on her own and we don't like the idea of her wandering during the night.

Viktor is sleeping beside me, but now, since May is awake, so is he. He gets up at the first sign of her crying, and that makes me happy because then I can get sleep and he can bond with her. I'm usually the one she wants anyway, so I get up with the both of them, which in turn wakes our dog. Since Makka was getting old and he passed away just over a month ago, Viktor is still upset over it, but Miri-May has been helping to relieve the stress and depression from him.

In all honesty, I'm pretty upset about that too because I'd known Makka for quite some years, and to be completely honest I didn't think he'd make it in the seven years I did know him. I just need to make sure Viktor is going to be okay now, I don't want him to be overly depressed anytime soon.

"Viktor, it's alright I got--"
"No, it's fine! I'm already awake!"
"Viktor. . ."
"Yuuri. . ."
I sigh, frustrated with him by now.
"Okay, go. She's crying still. . ."
He looks at me with this look, like he knows he's upset me.
"Yuuri, if you. . .Want I can bring her here?"
"Just. . .Go get her. Please."
After our slightly heated conversation, he leaves and returns with the little angel we love, and sits next to me. I smile at her, then look at him and sigh, thinking about what this coming season will be like.
"What's wrong, Yuuri? Is something the matter?"
"Just. . .This season. We've gotten it all choreographed everything so far, but I need to practice still. And what will we do with May?"
"Well, we put her in the carrier, of course. She can stay snuggled up to me or you at all times. Probably me most of the time, considering I won't be anything but your coach this time around."
"But you have a program to start as well, don't you?"
"Yeah, but it won't be useful for the next few months."
"I suppose so. What about May? Seriously?"
He sighs, looking me in the eyes.
"Yuuri, she's going to be fine, and I believe you will be too."

I trust that he's right, but I still can't shake the feeling that something is going to go wrong. Viktor always says it's anxiety, and I'm just over stressed about all things that could go wrong. I say it's the same feeling I had when I almost killed our baby girl.

Viktor and I both decide that the next week will be dedicated to Skating and doing work on our-- rather my-- program. May will have to be watched by Yuri and Beka or she can come with, perhaps?
After this week, we can decide what would be easier, but for now May, Viktor and I will sit here and spend time as a family.

[A.N: Hey! Part one of book 2 done! Just a warning, there will be sexy stuff happening soon and you guys can always leave suggestions and stuff about what should happen, but I do have lots of ideas as of now!!]

A Room For Two! - A Victuuri Fic (Volume 2!!!)Where stories live. Discover now