Chapter :2

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Jenny pov

I went upstairs and did my night routine and instantly went to sleep. I had a long day. I been thinking about roc. I cant believe he asked me out. I hope he doesn't just feel bad for me. I dozed off.

-the next morning-
I woke up. Took a shower and did my morning routine. It was already 12 o'clock. I then went into my closet and put on something simple. Some cute ripped jeans and a crop top to match. I put on a pair of Jordan's and a snapback to match. I basically had on all blue white and black so i put on so clear lipgloss. I heard a knock on my door
Roc: the police
I instantly knew it was roc. I opened the door and seen it was him with the rest of the crew
Roc: damn you got all dressed up for me
Me: boy hush this is not for you and I'm not even dressed up
Roc: so are you gonna dress up for me tonight at this date and it looks like it to me
Prod,prince and ray:DATE?
Me:yes roc asked me on a date
Prod: this gonna be his first date awwwww
Ray: i told y'all he was crushing
Me: roc this your first date
Roc: yea(scratches the back of his neck)
He looked kinda embarrassed
Me: don't feel bad its mines to
They both smile
Prince: aww thats so cute
Roc: hush
Me: when we going to eat. My stomach talking to me
Ray: g bruh. Where we going to eat though
Prince: they just opened this place called Chicken Chicken. We can try there
Me: omg i love chicken. Yes lets go there
They all look at me
Me: what don't act like y'all don't like chicken
They all laugh
Prince: you ready jenny*he says as he was still laughing*
Me: hold up let me go get my wallet and my phone
Roc:wallet for what
I look at him
Me: to pay for my food
Roc: you not paying for nothing
Me: but i always need money on me
Roc : im your money. Now lets go
He drags her out the house and they get into rocs range rover and he drive to the chicken place. They sit down

*the sitting order: roc, Jenny, prod, prince and ray*
Waitress : hello I'm kyra and i will be your waiter for today. We will start off with drinks and after i bring that i will come back and get your orders for food. May i start with you handsome
She was referring to roc

Roc:ummmm ok. Can i have a sprite
Waitress : hmm ok *winks* what about you lil girl
Referring to jenny
Me: this lil girl will beat your ass if you keep being disrespectful. Now try it again
Waitress: the midget think she checked me.*laughs*
Jenny get up and swing on the waitress and drags her by her hair. She begins punching her in her face. The lady was gushing blood. Roc tried to pull her off but she was to strong. The manager the comes out and helps them break it up
Manager: what's going on out here. Why are y'all fighting
Roc: your worker was being very disrespectful
Manager: thats believable. Kyra i told you this was your last straw. Your fired
Kyra: so you just gonna believe them
Manager: GET OUT.
Kyra: bitch you gonna regret you ever did this
Jenny: yea whatever. With all that blood on your face and your black eye, i can tell you regret being disrespectful
Kyra: whatever
She storms out
Manager: I'm sorry about that. I really am
Jenny: its no problem . I hate to bring that side of me out especially in public . Please forgive me
Manager: no its no problem. You guys can order anything you want. Its on the house
Jenny: oh thank you
Ray: you ain't got to tell me twice
They all order
Ray got the chicken Alfredo pasta
Prince got fried chicken and fries
Prod got chicken pot pie
Roc got chicken fried rice
Jenny got chicken tenders and fries
Prod: this food it good
Jenny: right. I like how they got different cultures of food. Thats creative
Ray: right. I wouldn't have thought of this. I would have just call it rays tacos
They all laugh
They finish eating
Ray: damn its dark already, what time is it
Roc: 5:45
Prod:right yall got a date tonight
Jenny: shit we better get back
They leave and drop all the boys off home. Roc was dropping jenny off home
Jenny: what time are you coming to pick me up
Roc: well its 6:30 right now so how about 8
Jenny: perfect
Roc: well i never got your number
Jenny: i dont have my phone on me Cause somebody dragged me out the house
Roc: shade much
Jenny laughs
Roc hands her his iPhone 7plus
She puts her number in
Jenny: what do you want me to save it under?
Roc: soon to be
She smiles
Jenny saves the number and goes in the house and see that roc text her
Double r: this me baby girl ❤️🤗
(J)elicious: i know🤗 but where are we going tonight
Double r: its a surprise
(J)elicious: do i dress classy or comfortable?
Double r: classy
(J)elicious: ok no problem, see you tonight
Double r: ok baby
*end of messages*
Jenny plays music. She takes a shower and brush her teeth then she does her make up. She only did a little bit of mascara and she did her eyes. She put on red lipstick to match her dress
/pic 👆🏽 at the top in the bio/
She put on red bottoms. She put a little bit of curl activator in her hair to make the shine and pretty.  By the time she was finish, roc was calling her. It was already 8:03

Phone convo
R: I'm downstairs baby. Are you ready
J: yes i just finished, I'm coming down now
R: ok
*end of convo*
She grabs her purse and put her black card in her purse. She puts on some perfume and put her mascara and lipstick in her purse and grab her phone. She walks downstairs. Before she opens the door she takes a deep breath.

*roc pov*
Omg when Jennifer opened the door, my mouth dropped. Her body was so amazing. She looked so beautiful. Every curve on her body was showing. She had no flaws . Omg. When she got into the car, he perfume smelled so good. Its only been 2 days. Not even and I'm started to fall for her. I don't know what was going on with me.
Me: you look beautiful
Jenny: thank you. You look handsome
I had on some black pants with a shirt to match with a snap back and some red Jimmie choo shoes.
Me: thank you baby girl
She begin to blush
Me: i see you over there blushing
Jenny: i am not blushing
Me: its ok baby girl, i know i make you blush
She playfully punches me
Me: here put on this blind fold
Me: just put it on
Jenny: but (gco)
Me: put it on
Jenny: fine
She puts it on
I begin to drive for about 5 min. We had a long conversation about her during college and how her professor tried coming onto her and her child hood. We talked about my childhood memories.
About 39 minutes later we came to a complete stop. I get out and go around and open her door. I pick her up bridal style
Jenny: ohhhh
Me: i got you baby girl
She wraps her arms around my neck and she relaxes her body

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