Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't written in a long time, I've been extremely busy. I am trying to write a few more chapters and get them up so bear with me. Thank you for your patience and support!

Chapter 9

"Chloe, they just announced that there is an anonymous murderer on campus and you aren't the least bit worried?" Victoria asked.

"There was no murder on campus! Someone just left a few notes. And even if there was, why would I be afraid? I haven't done anything wrong." She said eyeing us.

Victoria and I exchanged uneasy glances between ourselves and Chloe seemed to catch on.

"Oh come on girls! I'm sure it was just a prank. You know, like one of those hazing things?" Chloe said trying to alleviate our worry. It seemed to work for Victoria because she immediately relaxed. I on the other hand was a bit hesitant but I didn't want to let this ruin our time.

"So anyways Gracie, continue telling us about your date last night." Chloe said sweetly. I couldn't help but laugh at her teasing.

"It was not a date but if you insist on knowing. We had pizza at a little trattoria not too far from here. It was hilarious, I gave him marmite pizza!"

"Marmite pizza! Oh my gosh, that's classic." Chloe said practically rolling over in laughter.

"What's marmite?" Victoria asked as a puzzled look appeared on her face.

I explained to her what it consisted of and a sour expression appeared on her face. When I was finished telling them about the whole evening I was grinning like an idiot and Chloe was sure to point it out.

"You're so cute Gracie. You should see your smile right now!"

"Well you and Zayn are pretty cute. Why don't you tell us about that." I said to draw the attention off of myself.

"Oh yeah, tell us about your little frat boy." Victoria chided as she winked at me.

"Zayn?" Chloe asked confused.

"Oh come on Chloe just tell us." I was beginning to get annoyed. It was alright for her to push me to talk about Harry but she decided to play dumb when it came to Zayn.

"Nothing is going on between Zayn and I." She said matter-of-factly with her attention still on the television.

"Really now? It didn't seem that way at the frat party..." Victoria teased as she raised an eyebrow and smirked.

This made Chloe laugh and the tension in the room melted away.
"Trust me, if there was anything I would tell you two."

I opened my mouth to speak but I was interrupted by my phone ringing, it was Niall.

"I'll be right back." I said stepping out of the room and heading to the lounge. Victoria and Chloe exchanged glances between each other but I was in too much of a hurry to process it, all I wanted to do was talk to my best friend. The lounge was empty which made me happy. I could speak in solace and tell Niall about the murder threat without scaring anyone who hasn't heard about it just yet.

"Helloooo." I said into the phone.

"Helloooo." He echoed back. "You haven't called me in awhile. Too cool for me now?"

"Of course not. I've just been occupied... with school work and stuff." I half-lied.

"Mhm... What kind of stuff?" He sounded suspicious. I could see him sitting in his room stroking his chin curiously.

"Oh you know, stuff." I said teasing him. I knew he was probably at the edge of his seat right now.

"Oh I know. You've decided to become the campus -"

Everything EndsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora