Chapter No. 4 "Inaguration Day"

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It was early in the morning & the sun had not yet come up. Today was a big day; it was the big move. The night before, I had set my alarm to go off at 5:30 am, an entire thirty minutes before I got up. I wanted to make sure that I had plenty of time to get ready. On such an important day, I wanted go take my time & make sure that everything was going according to plan. My alarm clock began to scream at exactly 5:30 am on the dot. I opened my eyes and focused on the blurry ceiling above me. I rolled over to turn of the alarm; I rolled back over & continued to look at the ceiling. Today was the day that I would become one of the new faces of America. I pulled myself out of bed; I was reluctant at first, but I knew it was worth it. I swung my legs over the side of the bed & shimmied my feet into my fox fur flippers. I threw on my glasses that were sitting on the nightstand so that I could actually see. My vision was blurry at first, but everything soon came into focus. I quickly shuffled to my house coat that was hanging on the inside of the bathroom door. I bent over to turn on the small antique lamp that I had sitting on the nightstand. The sun had not yet come up & I needed some light.
     The getting ready process was now in full motion. I first decided to refresh myself in the bathroom. I went in & locked the door behind me. I turned on my phone so that I could listen to my playlist of my favorite 60's songs. I stood looking in the bathroom mirror & I pulled up my hair with a large metal clip. I jumped into the shower & was out after five tunes. I put on my robe & exited. I then went to my walk in closet to dress. For the time being, I slipped on a housedress & began to get ready. After an hour & thirty minutes of hair & makeup, I was ready to go. I went over to the closet & slipped on my new outfit. I was so lucky to have this piece. If you ever look at reference photos of this outfit, it appears both tan & blue. I believe it was actually brown, but I preferred the blue one. I grabbed my Chanel purse that was packed with my phone, lipsticks, phone charger, wallet, & the usual things. I then got my muff & was ready to go. I checked myself in the mirror to make sure everything was looking perfect. I added the finished touch by placing my small blue pillbox hat on my head. It was now time to head down stairs.
     My small boots made a loud clink on the hardwood steps. As soon as I reaches the bottom, daddy was waiting for me. He looked sharp in the tie I gave him fir Christmas.

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