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Edited... sorta🙃

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Jo's POV (Joanna)

Lillian was always the delicate sister. Her willowy frame (5'10) and and regal posture always made her aura scream that she was a delicate girl, but what people did not know was that her sister got what she wanted... every damn time.  

It always astonished me how Lillian got people to do what she wanted whenever she wanted. People feared her mind. Lillian manipulated everyone around her like a puppet on strings, and I was the only one who could see it, but Lillian would never do it in family or people close to her,because even she had limits.

People fear me also, but in a different way. I am not what people would call delicate,with a frame of 5'5 and broad shoulders skinny waist and wide hips, I am not willowy nor regal, but I have grace, poise, and warrior like reflexes.  Some say I am pretty others say I am beautiful, but I see myself as a warrior.

I have black eyes and Auburn hair. I don't tan, and I do not burn. I am always this milky pale complexion. yet with my 'beauty' comes a price, I am not in public often so rumors fly around how I am not beautiful as palace servants and guards say, or how I am an evil, disgusting person who is to beautiful so my parents keep me locked away from the public to protect them. There are others also, but they are along the same line as the others. I do not know who spreads these rumors... But anyway back to Lillian. I do not wish to seem like an attention hog...  

While My sister manipulates, I use other tactics to get people on my side. I use emotion while my sister uses her power, I use conviction, facts, and strategies while Lillian uses secrets, rumors, and lies. We are different I admit, but we love each other anyway.

~The Day IT Happened...~         

I was with Lillian while she was getting her coronation dress fitted it was a beautiful blood red gown with a bejeweled bodice and a flare after the waistband, the dress complemented Lillian's sun kissed skin and her black hair. Lillian looks beautiful in everything she wears, but in this dress she looks like a queen;  power was rolling from her aura like high tide waves, they were just pounding the air until you felt the need to submit yourself and follow her.

My sister usually took me to her dress fittings, but I always found them quite boring and a waste of time, none the less I sat patiently in a big cushioned chair and waited for the fitting to be over. The fitting room was a big room with a platform in the center surrounded by many mirrors angled perfectly so the person could see themselves and the people brought along could see the dress on the wearer. Behind the mirrors was where the magic happened, that is where the seamstress and her apprentice's go to work. They are a lovely group of people that have an amazing sense of style.  

 As Lilian was doing a final twirl and one last glance towards herself from the mirror in her dress as several guards busted through the door panting and hoarse. "Your majesties, the palace is under attack we must lead you both out of here until it is safe." Wheezed a short , skinny guard. My body stiffened and went into warrior mode. My emotions turned off and I let the calculating voice in my brain take over. Every move I now made was deliberate and planned.

"Guards take my sister out of here, also make sure the servants are safe. I would like a briefing on what is going on. what's our current status on dealing with this situation at hand?" I am already conjuring up counter techniques and strategies to keep this attack at minimum damages and casualties on both sides.

Three guards leave with my sister while two stay to brief me in on the situation. As they start to disclose how the attack started a scream of pure terror can be heard from down the hall. Before the other guards can react I'm already out of the room, I know that scream. It's my sister; as I round the corner I see three dead guards and my sister being taken by four rebels as I would guess.

I'm now sprinting down the hallway; I need to catch up to my sister.
I need to save my sister. As I'm flying down the hall more guards come to the scene. Hearing their footsteps behind me give me another shot of adrenaline.

Suddenly I am tackled to the ground by a heavy man. The foot steps all run past me and after my sister, who ever is on top of me is now straddling me, so that my body is pinned under his. Try as I might I could not buck him off. He is clothed in darkness, so that all I can see are lush pink lips, and steely eyed peering into my black ones. A smile make its way on the persons face as footsteps come thundering down the hall. Then the vile excuse of a human has the audacity to then say ״you will be mine one day" as the person (I now know he is a man due to his voice) places a chaste kiss on my lips.

When the soldiers round the corner this man picks up my head by my hair and slams it back down into the floor. I already feel the blood coming from my head, and feel the dizziness of a concussion brewing between my temples.

The weight on my body is gone and with that my sister. The feeling of loss surrounds my like a cold wind. So I do the only thing I can; I let unconsciousness Surround me like a dark blanket and fall into its dark clutches.
I was really feelin' this chapter guys I gotta say. Anyway thanks for checking out my story I truly hope you enjoyed the beginning of this monster. Get ready and good luck for this hell of a series.
                                                             Peace beach,

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