A Lesson in Trust

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"So what you are telling me is there's no way that this could work?" Richard looked at his soon-to-be ex-wife with an eyebrow raised.

Raine looked at him with a certain sense of dread. How could she tell him that she wanted to work things out but didn't know how? They'd been together for ten years, and they could get pass anything. Well, except for her trust issues.

"I am not saying that, Rick. What I'm saying is I don't know how to trust you." Raine had been burned too many times to open herself up fully to anyone. From being the adopted mixed daughter of a white couple, to being the laughing stock of private school because of her curly hair and café au lait skin tone, she was used to bottling things up. Richard always got the best out of her. The best that she could offer him was her companionship and her love. Love she had in abundance. Trust, well, not so much.

"We're sitting here at this table staring at divorce papers, Raine. This is a life or death situation. Think of something." His words were quiet but fierce, and she could feel the emotion behind them as if the words were alive and had just smacked her across the cheek. Raine had done nothing but think of things since she and Richard decided to try for a separation.

She could admit to herself that her own issues caused the strain. What man wanted to find out that he was being followed by a private investigator? Richard's working late had caused her to hire a private eye to find where he was spending his time. The PI had laughed and told her that for the first time, the target was actually doing what he was supposed to be doing: working.

When Raine came clean to Richard about having him followed, he walked out on her. He yelled and ranted that he couldn't believe after all this time that Raine still didn't trust him or believe that he took their marriage vows seriously. She'd balked, screamed back that he had women hanging all over him. That was an overstatement. It was really one woman that was all over him, his merger and acquisitions manager, Brooke with her raven hair and blue eyes. The woman was drooling over Rick at every single event. A part of her knew Richard, her loyal and commanding Rick, would never cheat, but at the same time, he was still a man. When men are faced with bombshell beauties like Brooke, they usually caved, according to Raine's past experiences anyway.

She stared at him with unshed tears and hopelessness in her eyes.


Richard on the other hand, had spent sleepless nights missing his wife. Everything about her screamed her love, from her smile, her caress, and the way she would rub his back when he was having a rough day. She was always there for him, yet she couldn't give herself completely to him. It was causing distance that he wasn't sure would make it through the years.

"Richard, I love you. Isn't love enough?" Raine looked at him with those big brown eyes. She always seemed to stare into his eyes, past his soul.

Richard shook his head. With love came trust, and he didn't expect anything less. Then, a thought so crazy hit him. It might just be crazy enough to work.


"Raine, come upstairs." Raine was shocked at his tone. She'd never thought he would sound as hard and demanding as his driven father, but there it was. In the ten years that she'd known him, Richard had never barked at her, but his father barked everything. Her first reaction was to tell Richard where to stick it, but when she looked into his silver eyes, she knew this was not the time to get loud with him. His gleam was feral, and he looked like he was ready to break the solid oak table in two.

Raine led the way up the stairs of their townhouse and walked into their bedroom. Richard was right behind her.

"Sit on the bed." Richard's tone was dark, confidant and kind of sexy to her ears. The air became thick with tension. Raine took a deep breath and complied. The room was still dark. All she could hear was Richard's quick movements. As Raine sat on the corner of their pillow-top mattress, she wondered why she was even here. It was obvious that she had some issues. Richard was a great catch, a good guy, and here she was, trying her damndest to trust him when he hadn't done anything to deserve her scrutiny. It wouldn't do any good to try to make him have patience. Ten years is a long time to finally admit the fact that one doesn't trust their husband and for no damn good reason.

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