Recover (Agent Washington)

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Wash X injured!reader

Your eyes flutter and open, the room is vacant of what your remember from the last time you where conscious... The room was dark except the small glimmer of a light which filled the room. Your eyes adjust as you roughly sit up. A throbbing ache in your side returns as a flash back of being shoved radiates through your body almost like feeling the whiplash for a second time. Your groan as you readjust how you're sitting and looking around as the door opens.

"hey, How are you doing?" Wash walks in with some water and a bit of food. He looked a bit worried setting them down on the table next to the bed; sitting with you.

Wash, a man with a caring heart for others around him, the man you loved and have loved for a long time now. You try to remember anything but your mind was drawing blanks, you opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. He looked at you with concern tilting his head to the side as you roughly stood up abruptly "hey, hey! be careful" Wash put a hand on your back to make sure you didnt fall over or faint after being out for so long.

"how long have I been out?" escaped your lips before your mind even registered the thought that escaped.

He paused briefly and smiled "A day or two.." He comforted letting you have your space to figure yourself out.

You stumble to the window, Wash holding onto your body as you moved in case you collapsed. You stared out the window, in your tank top and shorts. The light caught the curtains as you pushed the, aside to look outside "your safe, I promise" His voice was gentle, he gently tucked your bangs behind your ear.

You turned to him, his soft gaze made you feel safe. You began to feel a little light headed, taking a half step back into his embrace. His strong arms wrapped around you and secured your stability, your head laying back on his shoulder nuzzling into your neck "ugh... my mind is so fuzzy.." you complained as you listened to his breath, long and tired.

"well, I can tell you everything that's been going on... if that would help" He gently rested his cheek against your head as he talked softly.

He kissed your neck gently as he held you close, you could tell just by the way he was holding you. He missed you. The warmth of his body and the synchronicity of your breath with his made you feel tired and a small murmur of appreciation hummed in your voice as he began to explain. He managed to pull you back to a sit, cuddling you close as he talked.

"And then we..." he looked at you, you had fallen asleep in his arms again. He chuckled lightly giving your head a kiss.

"we can finish the story tomorrow then, you need some rest" he said gently

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