1. The Dream

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Hey there :) this is my first work on wattpad xD Hope you'll like it ;)



Harry’s POV:

 I was just staying on the beach, looking at the sea. The sound of the waves set me at rest. The colour blue was dominating the landscape, being in the sky, in the sea, in my mind…

 I was engrossed in my thoughts and I didn’t realise that someone was sitting beside me, staring. I looked better, and then I saw a beautiful girl with long chestnut hair and shiny green eyes. Since I saw her, my heart began to boom.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. Her grin was lovely. I decided to turn her a compliment, but all I could say was:

“What’s your name?”

 Well, sometimes I’m just an imbecile…

 When she was going to answer my question, I heard another voice hollering:

“Come on, Harry! Wake up or I’ll bring a pail and throw cold water on you!”

 Oh, that was one of my bandmates, Louis. So, now I realised that all was just a dream, a beautiful dream…I’ll never meet the beautiful girl with green eyes. I just wanna be able to turn back the hands of time, just for seeing her again.

 I saw Louis with a bail of water in his hands, being on the point to spill water on me. In that moment I told him quickly that I’m awake, but it was too late. My clothes are now soggy.

“I hate you, Louis!” I told him.

“Yeah, love you too, mate” said he, laughing.

 I looked in the first mirror I saw and then I set my eyes to my curly hair which was horrific. I change myself in a Ramones T-shirt and in a pair of blue-jeans and over my T-shirt I added a black blazer. Before changing I dried my hair with a towel.

 “You have forgot that I’m still here, right?” Louis asked.

 “Oh, yeah…What’s up?”

 He told me that we’re going to buy Zayn a present for his Birthday Party while he is hanging out with his girlfriend, Emma. I took my phones and then I went downstairs. Here I saw Liam laughing with Niall.

 We went out and entered in my Range Rover. I drove untill I saw the big mall standing heroic in my face. We decided that each of us’ll look for something and then we’ll put every thing in a BIG GIFT. All I could say was a “lol” and then I entered a shop. I have searched for a cute watch in the whole shop 'till I saw it. It was perfect. I knew he'd love it.

 After that I wanted to come out of the shop, but I ran into someone. When I saw the person, I was shocked. The person was…


So, this is the first chapter :D I wanna see votes and comments ;)xx

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