Chapter 2

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I'll Forgive But Never Will Forget 

Chapter 2

Ashley P.O.V 

 Its 1:oo and I'm still in bed . There's been a few times my mother tried taking me out of my bed but i don't want to . There's nothing to do anyway . 

Knock Knock Knock 

That was probaly my mother trying to get me out of bed .  

" go away "i yelled to who ever was at the otherside of the door . 

I heard the door open and my mother speak . 

" Sweety you can't be like this . You need to get out of bed and do something . " She said sitting at the edge of my bed. 

" I don't want to do anything . I just wanna lay here and cry . "  I replied. 

" Come on honey . Let's go to the mall ... You love the mall . You love to go shopping . " She said . 

I didn't say anything back . I just layed down quietly . Maybe I should get up and go shopping with my mother . I hadn't spend time with her in a while . I miss her and while I'm out I could get an eye out to see if I see my son .

" Fine" I said getting up ang headed to the bathroom to freshing up . I took a nice shower and washed my hair with my peach sented shampoo . I always loved the smell of peach .  After that i got dress . I didn't know what to ware . It was in the middle of July . I decided to ware shorts that had rips in then with a white shirt and that had infinty love on it with mint color vans . 

Then I blowed dryed my wet hair and curled it into lose curls then then but a head on . I did my make up and put my watch on . 

When I was done I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs . I went into the kitchen where my mother was at . When she saw me her eyes popped open . 

" Oh my . You look so beautiful ." she said . 

" thank you " i replied and kissed my mother on the cheek. 

She smiled . " Here . I made you breakfast " my mother said handing me a plate with pancakes , bacon , and egss .  I took the plate and sat down at the table . I sarted to eat and couldn't stop . This food was so good and I was really hungry . I hadn't ate like this in a long time . 

When I was done I put my plate in the sink . 

" Ready ? " My mother asked . 

"Ready " i answered . 

When I walked outside the first thing I did was look at Justin's house . I seen Justin sitting down smoking a cigeret . WHAT ! Justin doesn't smoke . After looking at him for 5 minutes he finally put his head up and looked at me .  I looked away and headed to the car . 




Justin P.O.V 




I was outside smoking a cigeret when I felt like someone was looking at me . When I looked up I seen Ashley looking at me . I looked at her from head to toe and noticed she got so skiny . She looked like she was a size 0. What had I done to her . 

After that she left and got into her mother's car . 

I finish my cigeret and headed inside . I know what you thinking . When did I started smoking . Well every since the baby been gone and Ashley and I broke up I stared smoking and drinking every night . I would leave around 6 and come back at 1:00 in the morning or sometimes i would come back till around 10:00 in the morning . I'm messed up . I need Ashley back and I really need my son back .. 




Hey peoples !! Hope uses liked this chp .. theres a picture of ashley outfit on the side .. please comment and vote .. love yall 

                                                                                                         Desi daddi :* 

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