"No way!" Harry  exclaimed, calming down from his fits of laughter. Almost everyone in the cafe had turned their attention to us, but he didn't seem to care. I'd just finished telling him about my big brothers reaction when I was about to board the plane at Heathrow Airport last year. My 'masculine' older brother kept his cool -until I turned around- I got like 5 feet away & he let out a loud girly wail. The memory still makes me laugh, but I do miss him.

"Yes way," I giggled. Harry had incredibly beautiful eyes, they light up instantly at any hint of humour. "you should have seen my fathers face." 

"Tell me about your parents?" he had totally calmed down from his laughing, but still smiled radiantly.

"well, my mother died when I was seven." I mumbled, twiddling my thumbs.

"oh, I'm sorry..." he half smiled, reaching his hand and placing it on mine. I hate when people say that. Why would you say sorry for something that's not your fault?

"Don't apologize, please." I whispered. "I hate when people do that & I hate sympathy. Why would you apologize for something that you had nothing to do with? It doesn't make sense." I mumbled, with my hands covering my ears,

"My father passed away when I was 9." he spoke so casually, though his head tilted to the side. "I'm not apologizing for what happened to your mother, I have no idea what that is but there's nothing I can do," he shrugged. "I'm sorry for how you felt at the time, since I know how that feels. No child should have to lose a parent, it's devastating & takes a huge toll on how their life turns out." 

I sat there, in total awe.

"so yes, I'm sorry. But I have a totally amicable reason for my apology." 

"now I'm sorry," I sighed. "sorry for probably sounding like a huge bitch."

"no you don't, I understand your point..." he smiled, "If someone doesn't understand how you're feeling then why should they apologize? What are they sorry for? What is the apology based on? Does it mean anything?"

"You're a very wise man Mr. Styles."

"Some would beg to differ, Miss. Simmons." he chuckled lightly. "so, tell me about you're father."

"He owns a record label in London," I smiled at the thought of him, I miss my father terribly. "He wasn't very impressed when I told him I was moving to NYC." I sighed, remembering his face when I told him I was packing my bags. The thought made me shudder.

"How could he not be impressed? You graduated from with a Law degree & you moved to New York for bigger, better things."

"He was impressed by my degree, don't get me wrong." I took a sip of my coffee before continuing. "He just wasn't impressed by my ability to leave 'home'." I sighed.

"why do you say it like that?"

"like what?

"Home, is it not home anymore?" I struggled to find why he was so interested in me, boring Natalia.

"um, no actually." I coughed, clearing my throat before continuing. "since my mother passed away, it never felt right... Kinda like I wasn't supposed to be there anymore, does that make sense?" I giggled lightly, feeling like a fool.

"totally." he smiled, another genuine smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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