Chapter 7: painful Memories

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I laid peacefully in bed, smothered in warmness.

the bright orange morning light engulfed me..

I moved my head to the left, because I was facing the window, and lifted my arm to rub my eye gently.

i pulled the blanket back and got up to take a quick shower..

i took about twenty minutes, then exited the bathroom.

i packed my books back, and put my glasses in a small front pocket.

i sling the strap over my shoulder and opened the room door, and i calmly start walking down the steps.

i noticed beside the front door was Lucius, he was patiently waiting for me.

"good morning Lucius.." i softly greet.

he stares at me, "morning." he quietly replies subtly.

there was a short silence as i shuffled down the rest of the staircase..

i approach him, and slightly show a small grin.

he stared at me intensely, but his expression was soft and blank.

short skip>

"i hope your hand is feeling better.." he sincerely says as we walk out of the door.

"oh, thank you."

"it is, it's healed a lot overnight." i look down at it briefly, then peer back up at him.

after walking down the steps, we stop and stand on the gravel.

we stare at each other, "if, Mrs. Umbridge gives you anymore trouble."

"don't be afraid to tell me.." he says strongly, with a bold starry look in his eyes.

i simply just stare awhile, and nod slightly.

however something caught my attention, in the corner of my eye.

and i gazed over.

Lucius followed..

we caught sight of an odd man, approaching us from the dirt road.

he was dressed in all black, much like us.

and had a deep bold color of black hair, shoulder length or a little shorter.

he was rather pale at most..

i briefly peer up at Lucius, the expression on his face seemed like he knew this person.

the man stops and locks his fingers together, he stared at Lucius blankly.

"Severus, what brings you here." Lucius retorts.

"Mrs. Umbridge, sent me, to."

"escort you, and your. friend. to the Ministry." he peers down at me weirdly.

i simply stare.

"you work for the Ministry now." Lucius retorts again, obviously toying with him carelessly.

"not, exactly."

"Mr. Malfoy, i was delivering a letter and i was kindly pulled away and given the task."

"in exchange for money, i was low and needed it for supplies." Severus replies dully.

Lucius suddenly looks at me and shuffles close enough to whisper..

"who is that?" i ask in confusion.

"potions teacher, at the school." he replies strongly with his head lowered near my face.

Mrs. Umbridge's Assistant (Lucius x OC) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now