4/ The Only Real way to cure pains is to Add a Little More \4

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I woke up, with a stretch and a yawn, then sat up surrounded by warmth. I put the annoying alarm to a stop, then pulled my legs to the side of the bed. I stretched my arms as I pull my self to my feet, then grab my phone.

I go to Pandora, and put on my PTV playlist. The song Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides come on, and I turn the volume up. I set my phone down, and walk to the bathroom.

I sit on a stool at my vanity, and geab my make up duffel bag. I do both my liquid and powder foundation, plus my concealer. Then I high light, contour, and blend my face. Then finally, I do my winged eyeliner, mascara, fleek brows, and bronze lip stick.

I exit my bathroom, and enter my room. I walk to my closet, and switch my under wear, for a clean tan bra, and tan thongs. I then slide on a black cropped halter top, acid washed skinnies, and black vans, with a flannel.

I run my fingers through my naturally straight dirty blond hair, then sling my black JamsPort back pack over my left shoulder. I grab my phone, keys, wallet, and a granola bar, then drive to school.

***Skip School***

I got home, my whole body aching. I swing open the door and slam it behind me. I stumble up the stairs, my vision blurry. I reach my door, and walk in, leaving the door open. I collapse onto my bed, hot tears falling from my eyes. An unknown caller ID calls me, and I pick up.

"Hello" I groan

"Hey sky!" Vic cheers

"Vic?" I clarify

"You okay? You don't sound to good" he asks

"I need you. I don't usually ask for help, but I need you" I sob

"What's wrong?! Where are you?" He panic

"I'm in my room. I think I might bleed out" I groan

"I'll be there in ten, and I'm bringing Mike" he says, then I hand up.

I lie on my bed, my whole body throbbing. It feels like I've been here forever, and the pain will never go away. After eternity, Vic swings open my door with a gasp.

"Vic?" I coo

"I'm here" he coos, he runs to my side, and flips me onto my back.

"What the fuck happened?!" Mike gasp

"Just a little goodbye present" I groan

"Get the first aid kit!" Vic demands. He sits me up, and pulls off my top. I can see my DD boobs perfectly fitting in my bra, and my ribs.

"Here!" Mike shoves the first aid kit into Vic hands.

"This is gonna sting" Vic says

"Go ahead" I flinch.

A throbbing, aching, stinging sensation takes over my stomach. I scream in pain. I was carved with hurtful words all over. I start thrashing around as the blood is collected on the cloths. I let tears flow down my cheeks as I clench my fist. The pain just gets worse, tightening its grip. I Yelp as the cold rubs my back. The pressure intensifies, then stops. Feeling numb, I slip into  unconsciousness.

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