The Princess & The Pauper (MJ Love Story Book 1)

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There lived a very rich young girl, she was the daughter of the King and Queen of the village. They all were at a ball. She was sitting alone with a bunch of men standing around her trying to dance with her. "I can't believe my own parents won't let me get out of this foolish marriage. I mean, he doesn't even love me." She said to herself as she crossed her arms. The men just stood there and stared. She went outside and looked around.

There also was a young man named Michael Joseph Jackson. He was the pauper of the town. He was poor and to earn money he did funny acts to entertain people, or played instruments and sung to people of the village. But he was clumsy, he usually humiliated himself by tripping over something or doing something publicly embarrassing. But, he had a heart. He had a major crush on the princess, Elizabetha. Elizabetha was the princess and every time he saw her or she walked past him, he got butterflies and his heart skipped a beat. He saw her outside alone and he asked,"You look sad, do you want me to sing for you?" "No, I'm good, just a little irritated with mother and father." Michael sat down on a bench and asked,"Would You please tell me what happened?" She sits down next to him and says,"I don't Wanna get married to Charles and my mother and father are making me." Michael puts on a confused face and says,"Prince Charles?" She nods. He adds,"Why don't you wanna marry him?" "Because he's a self centered arrogant jerk!" She crosses her arms and he says,"Tell him." She looks at him with sad eyes and says,"But I can't, a lady is not suppose to call off marriage, or any commitment. We'll get executed if we do." Michael looks down shyly and says,"I think it's very wrong that women do not have the same rights of men." She looks at him and says,"Your the first man to ever say that women should have rights." He smiled and she smiled back.

Then, Prince Charles came in his chariot and held out his hand to Elizabetha. "Come on Elizabetha, we have to go!" Michael stands up and says,"You know, just because she's a woman doesn't mean she's your little rag doll!" "Oh so now the joker is her little bodyguard, I don't give a damn what you think, she's my lady and I will treat her however I want!" He pushes Michael out of the way and takes her hand. They both sit in the chariot and they go somewhere else.

Michael sits on the bench and thinks about what she said about him and what he did to her just now, and realizes that he really was a self centered arrogant jerk. He wanted to fix it, but he would get in trouble, by the royal family, and he works for them.

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