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an interview with @behindgrayeyes

What's your name (pen or otherwise) ?

Brianna Gray

What drew you to Wattpad ?

I honestly can't remember how I found out about the site. It was years ago. But I first started posting fanfics on Fanfiction.net and when another avenue to post my stories came to light, it was an easy decision to make.

How did you get into writing fan fiction ?

I would watch a tv show and I'd think to myself 'I could do better than that' or 'I totally wouldn't say or do that'. I had all these different stories in my head and I needed to get them out.

Do you have any tips for authors just starting out on Wattpad ?

Nothing is ever going to be perfect, especially not the first time around. The saying 'practice makes perfect' is a cliche for a reason. And you're always your own worse critic.

Are there any authors who inspire you ?

A few actually, and I'm assuming you're talking about other Wattpad authors. But @voidcaroline, especially.

Who is your favourite and most relatable oc?

Oh, god. Um, I honestly can't answer that. I put a little of myself into all of my oc's, they're all a different aspect of my personality so they're all relatable to me.

Any real life authors who inspire you ?

Cassandra Clare, Richelle Mead, Nicholas Sparks, Rachel Vincent, and so many more.

We all know that you love the show The Originals as much as we do. So, who is your favorite The Originals character?

Marcel is my favourite character. He stand up for what he believes in and always tries to do the right thing.

And who is your least favorite The Originals character?

My least favourite character...hmm. I'm not sure but I have to lean towards Freya.

How did you come up with the plot for your story Bring Me To Life?

It actually started as a dream. I was feeling sorry for Davina because her family completely betrayed her, and empathetic over the fact that she was a teenager who had been thrown in the deep end with no one to protect her other than Marcel, and I got thinking about what would change if she has someone to look out for her.

If you could have been a character in the show, who would you be and who would you hang out with most of the time?

I would be Hayley, and I would love to get my hands all over Elijah, be adorable with Hope, and actually be friends/co-parents with Klaus.

What did you think about the Mikaelson family at first glance?

They're all insanely attractive, and insanely messed up.

Who is your favorite Mikaelson ?

It's a tie between Elijah and Rebekah

What did you think about the show at the first glance?

Are you happy that The Mikaelson's family got their own show? I know that there are some people who thinks that The Mikaelson's should have stayed in The Vampire Diaries. Are you one of them and why?

I love that they got their own show. A thousand years is a long time to develop characteristics, with so many faucets of personality and it would've taken more than The Vampire Diaries could've provide to fully explore their family history and inter-personal relationships.

Although I definitely miss the Klaus and Caroline interaction.

Would you rather being a witch or a vampire? Why?

I'd rather be a vampire. I adore history and to be able to actually be a part of history as it happens would be amazing. To be ageless, strong and fast, to be able to compel people wouldn't be horrible either.

Do you think that The Originals will have at least six seasons or end up soon?

I actually have no idea whether they'll continue for six seasons but I hope so.

What was the happiest moment for you in the show?

My happiness moment... Jeez, um, I'm not sure it's exactly happy, but the moment at the end of season one when Klaus leaves Hope in Rebekah's care was definitely my favourite bittersweet moment.

Which scene / episode made you upset the most?

I think Après Moi, Le Déluge from season one and I Love You, Goodbye from season two are tied for saddest episodes. They definitely  caused some tears to come into my eyes.

Which character's death affected you the most?

Davina's death in season 3, hands down.

thank you brianna for this amazing interview !

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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