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Authors Note: We were given a reference photo in our Year 11 mock exam and it was a beautiful picture of a thunderstorm, nearly the same as the cover photo and as the genius 15 year old I thought I were, I wrote this short story entrance about Jimin and his fascination towards lightning. Jhope is included in this as Jimin's roommate but nothing more haha. I've tweaked this quite a bit as my English techniques have improved throughout the 6 months. So I hope you all enjoy this and lets begin!

It was a dark and dismal night in Seoul, very rare as Seoul is normally quite warm. Little streams of rain water trickled down the pavements as people dodged puddles and cars, trying to quickly get to their destination, using whatever they were holding as protection from the rain. 

Jimin sighed, as he looked out the rain stained window, watching as multiple rain droplets glided effortlessly down the window, merging with other raindrops making it seem like one big race to get to the bottom of the panel. 

Jhope, Jimin's roommate, came striding into the living room where Jimin was. His eyes fell upon Jimin, who was propped up on the windowsill, looking down at the city so solemnly, acting as if he was in sad movie.

"What are you doing?" Jhope broke the silence in a playful tone, "Waiting for the lightning ," Jimin mumbled dimly. Jhope huffed quietly and walked over to Jimin.

"I hate it when it rains, you're always sad when it rains" Jhope said softly, resting his hands on Jimin's small shoulders and gazed out the window with Jimin. Seoul was very gorgeous at night, it was like a another New York but 'Korean-Styled'. The buildings and their Billboards (vote bts) shone brightly , giving off a beautiful multicoloured glow. Nothing was boring about about the city, it was always colourful - even during the day, the city looked as pretty as it did at night.

The night sky was a soft blanket over the city. The contrast of the dark blue and the neon colours were phenomenal. Once you have seen it, you will never want to look away.

"The weather forecast said there would be lightning and you know how much I love lightning-" Jimin smiled, breaking Jhope out of his thoughts, smiling back at Jimin. It fell silent once more, the only sound that could be heard was the soft patting of the rain on the window. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was more comforting than anything else.

As they both gazed out of the window, a flash of a soft purple strikes the sky above them. they both looked at each other; shocked and excitement filled their eyes. Seoul was a place that is affected severely by weather but Seoul barely got strong strikes of lightning.

As more branches of lightning filled the sky, glowing like branches of a tree, loud thunder claps shortly followed after, causing the boys eardrums to rumble slightly. Jimin quickly got his camera and took a photo of the sky that included 6 or more purple lightning strikes.

"This is like some firework show!" Jhope said over the loud thunder claps. They both watched in awe as the pretty hues of purple and silver filled the sky like veins in a body. The rain came crashing down harder than before, banging on the window. The wind seemed to have picked up quite a bit because the trees down below were flailing around harshly. The night air was filled with crashes and bangs like someone playing the Cymbals terribly.

Many people on the streets were fascinated by the flashes of colour in the sky, that they stopped in their tracks to take photos, not caring if they get wet through.

Suddenly, the power shut off and all of Seoul slowly shut down into complete darkness as the display of colour in the sky was now more visible to everyone.

Jhope and Jimin sat in total silence, in the dark, just watching the lightning show.

After a while, the lightning died down and the thunder became distant. Slowly, the whole city regained power and building by building the whole city lit up again.

Jimin sat there satisfied with what just happened. "Well that was pretty.." Jimin exclaimed, Jhope nodded, smiling.

They both sat soaking up was just happened, right before their eyes.

Jhope's phone rang, he looked at the contact number. 

It was Jungkook...

{Ah, well that was a rollercoaster of emotions. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and i apologise for my writing. I have the tendency to change persons so i might've wrote this in like 3rd person and somehow changed to 1st, but i don't think i have least. Feel free to request ideas. My  BTS instagram account is @anonhoseok so feel free to follow and message. I follow back!!! Byeeee<3}

Lightning in Seoul {Jm & JH}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang