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Dear parents,
Because of your excessive arguing I have made my plans to go elsewhere. I love you but I can't take this anymore. I overheard your conversation of getting a divorce. I'm sorry. I'm going somewhere, it will be peaceful and perfect, where no one ruins childhoods because of alcohol or arguments and violence. Goodbye.

"Okay, I put the note on the fridge -"
"Wait, shouldn't you put it somewhere hidden?" Addalie questioned.
"No, we're fine. Did you get the map?" I asked.
"Yeah, but...are you sure we can trust this map, why don't we use the, uh, new version from like the 2017 atlas?"
"Because, I told you, people are trying to hide that place beyond the mountain, the only way to find it is using the old version." Looking up to the sky I pulled out my journal.
Dear journal,
Its the first day of the journey, 5:40 a.m. , I left a note for mom and dad, Addalie and I are getting a ride from the bus, we're getting off at the nearest stop at the base of the mountain. I heard that there is a secret amazing place up their, over the mountain where there is no roads that can reach the other side, and only a few people have hiked halfway on foot. But no one has gone as far as we are planning to go. I know that it's there. I had a dream that no one had known it was there except an old man that saw it many years ago. Its the closest thing to heaven without me dying, the only place I can go to get away from everything evil.
"Let's go!" I yelled to Addalie.
"Okay, okay." She said, while turning off her phone, so no one could get her GPS signal to track her.

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