On Our Way

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Dear journal,
We are now on our way to the base of  Mt. Ember, we are in disguise so the bus driver didn't notice us, I'm wearing my brothers blue hoodie and Addy is wearing an enormous amount of make up and bronzer that makes her look tan. Hopefully he doesn't see through us, the bus ride takes about 25 minutes. I'm glad I'm leaving, I never want to see this town again. Its a horrible place. Addy doesn't want to come back either. She says that she wishes alcohol was never invented so she wouldn't have to leave, she says that if alcohol didn't exist, she and her father would do so much more together and she would have a MUCH better life. I agree.
"Addy, were did you put the water?"
"In the third pocket of my backpack." She answered. "Your thirsty already?" She was right, I shouldn't waste our water and only use it until we really need it. "I, uh, just had to make sure you brought it." I made up an excuse. "Haley, I'm fine, I brought everything, don't worry." She rolled her eyes. Then the bus driver said something I couldn't understand, he may have heard us. "What?" I asked, trying not to sound too nervous.
"Your stop, at the Ember Mountain trail head, right?" He questioned.
I looked out the window and had to crane my neck upwards to see the whole mountain. That's weird, it looks a lot bigger than the map shows...probably because its old. It was about 67F degrees out, I had two other jackets on because I couldn't fit the in my backpack.
"Yeah, thanks." I said to the bus driver while getting off, trying not to look suspicious.
"No problem." He smiled and drove farther away down the road.
"Okay Haley," Addy said with a sigh, "let's go." And we were on our way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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