Chapter #1 {The Sky}

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Hearing the sound of the alarm clock going off, Penelope hits the button to turn off the annoying Noise awaking her slumber. She sits up rubbing her eyes looking at the time. "6:20" "ugh" she whines to herself. She gets up wearing a green tank top and back track shorts. She trembles to her bathroom closing the door. Starting the shower and jumping in. For about 20 minutes later; she's out in a towel, she blow dries her hair and lays out an outfit on her bed. Putting on make-up listing to music. Singing along to the music; Penelopen she gets dressed and ready for HS getting into her car. She texts her friends telling her to wait for her to pick her up.
Penelope: Guys I'm comin' be ready or I'm ditchin' y'all!
Sarah: We're here! Waitin' for your behin'

Penelope drives to Haven's house down a few streets and pics out the 3 girls she hangs with ever since grade school.  "We gottah hurry, we goin' to be late."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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