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My eyes blinked at the darkness of my room. Well, my shared room that is, with Sehun. The glowing numbers on the digital clock illuminated a red glow on my bedside table. A sigh escaped my lips. The reason I was awake at 2am? Someone was on my mind. The same person who would tease me on stage. The same one who would look longingly into my eyes during interviews, causing me to blush as cameras watched us. The same person who holds my hand in public as we walk through screaming fans. The brown haired boy who shared a room with me right now, Sehun.

Sitting up in my bed, arched my back, stretching out my sore limbs due to dance practices. My eyes scanned the room, eventually landing on the dark haired boy a couple feet away from me. He slept soundly as I sat watching him.

Without realizing it I had kicked off my blankets and started walking to his bedside. Sitting down next to him, I took a shaky breath. Why is my heart pounding? Why is my face heating up? My eyes went to Sehun's face. A small smile formed on my lips. Hesitantly, I brought my hand to his cheek and caressed the soft skin. He stirred in his sleep and I quickly withdrew my hand away from the heat of his face. Cautiously, I brought my hand back to his face, this time cupping his cheek. Slowly, I leaned down and pressed my lips against his forehead. As I leaned back to my original position, my eyes opened wide as I realized what I had just done. A blush spread throughout my face and I quickly stood up away from Sehun's bed, only to fall over. As I fell I ended up crashing into a nearby desk. From that, Sehun's eyes shot open and he sat up straight in his bed. Soon enough he noticed me on the ground, rubbing the back of my head.

"Baekhyun?" As I heard my name leave his lips I looked up at him, and chewed my lip. Oops.

"Uh, Sehun... Hey!" I managed to say and give him a weak smile.

"What...What are you doing?" He asked and i froze. What the hell am I supposed to tell him.
After a couple seconds of silence he spoke up again. "You know what, never mind that. Let's get you up." I let out a breath of relief and Sehun stood up from his bed. He reached out to help me up and I slowly grabbed on. Even in the dim lighting, I could see his muscles as he lifted me from the ground. I blush started to dust onto my face. Once I was steady onto my feet, Sehun sat back into his bed and ushered me to sit with him. I obeyed and sat with my legs crossed over each other. Looking up at him, I let myself become mesmerized by his dark eyes. Even though the room was dark, I could still make out all his facial features. Sehun's eyes met mine.

"Baek? You okay? You seem to be spacing out a bit."

"Huh?" I tore my eyes away from his, "Y-yeah, I just am kind of...tired"

"Then why are you awake?" He asked and I stopped to think.

"I couldn't sleep." I said truthfully but not saying the full reason why I was awake.

"And what exactly were you doing as you fell into a desk."

My heart felt as it skipped a beat, thinking back to minutes earlier. What the hell am I supposed to tell him! My eyes searched the room for some kind of answer. I shifted where I was sitting, anxiously moving my hands in my lap.

"I...I was just going to... trying to find something to do." I said, messing up my lines. "Honestly, I don't really know." I said the last part honestly. I looked back at Sehun to find a small smile on his face, he suddenly started to laugh. Taken aback, my face turned from anxious to confused. Why is he... what did I say?

"W-What?!" I exclaimed, a blush now visible in the dim lighting.

"Ah! N-Nothing" he said stuttering as he laughed.

"It's not nothing if your laughing your ass off!" I whined.

"Okay, okay, you just made up a terrible lie and looked adorable while doing so!" He said and smiled.

My eyes widened. I slouched as he laughed at my reaction. Pouting as I but my chin in my hand, I glared at him.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Sehun said, finishing off his laughter fit.

"Hmph" I puffed my cheeks out. The room went silent. I could feel Sehun's eyes watching me. As seconds passes, I finally looked back up to him.

"Hey, shouldn't we be getting back to sleep? We are probably gonna have another busy day tomorrow." I mentioned, trying to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

"Well....Probably, but now that you've woken me up, I won't be able to go to sleep." He said with a sarcastic sigh. I watched as a smirk showed up in his face. What is he trying to do? After that, I didn't know what to do, what so say. "So," He started, "How about we talk for a bit, just until we're tired."

"Y-Yeah, that's sounds good." I responded. "Actually, I have a question." Sehun watched me, waiting for me to go on. I bit my lip, thinking if this really was a good idea. "So why do you..."
Pausing, I thought this through. "Why do you stare at me during interviews, or in general I guess." I looked up at him, expecting his face to be baffled, or a 'what the hell is this question' kind of look. But instead, his face didn't seem to change.

"Why do you blush when I stare at you?" He said with ease.

"I-I asked you first!" I cursed myself for stuttering.

"Hmmm, just to get a reaction." I went silent. My blush spread across my face along with tinting the tips of my ears. The color was vibrant against my porcelain skin. I was certain that Sehun could see it and enjoyed my reaction to his words. The same smirk from before appeared on his face.

"What do you want from me" I finally said. Our eyes meeting in the darkness. I watched his eyes sparkle faintly from whatever light that entered the room.

He closed his eyes and hummed, "Why don't we get back to sleep, were bound to have another long day if we are tired." He stood, ignoring my question. I stood soon after he did. He gave me a hug, mumbling something into my shoulder.

"What was that?"

"Hm? I didn't say anything."

I was certain that words did come from his mouth, but what? Turns out that one thought was what kept me up the rest of the night. And the same question stayed stuck in my mind even as the sun rose and shone in through the light curtains. The next couple hour were to be hell as I fight to keep my eyes open and shake every thought of the dark haired boy out of my head

I made this terrible one shot a long time ago.... Before I really even knew the personalities of these two also, so there were probably a lot of incorrect behaviors in this. Sorry for any typos!

2:00am // SeBaek One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now