14 Minutes

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14.  It looked breathtaking, her chocolate brown hair. Her eyes light brown like mahogany wood. Golden flecks laid in them, just like those on her cheeks. They were everywhere. She liked to trace them every once in awhile and she found herself doing it now. She always did when she was concentrating. Like she was now, looking for the spot with the most coverage

13. She knew what she was doing. She knew it was wrong. Yet, she kept in mind what they had told her. It was her job. Maybe, she thought, just maybe they lied. She pushed it away. Why would they lie? They gave her a home, gave her a life again. Why would they betray her?

12. She thought about them as she placed the backpack down. It was a deep purple. Her favorite color. They had given it to her. It was a gift -the first of many. She thought about her brothers and sisters. Not biological, of course, but still family. Abraham came to mind first. He was always honest, just like Lincoln. Although, he did lie. He lied to his wife. He lied to his brother. The more she thought about Abraham, the more she saw the nickname was unfitting. Abraham wasn't always honest.

11. She thought about Robin next. Named after Robin Hood, he understandably stole. Supposedly for the poor and from the rich, rude people. When she thought about it though, his name wasn't quite right either. He stole from other people like them, and they weren't rich by any means. Sure, he stole from the rich sometimes, but they always seemed to be hurt afterwards. He always brushed it off, saying they fell down some stairs but she got a funny feeling. Like he was lying. Of course, she knew he was. She just didn't want to admit it. After all, from what she could remember, Robin Hood didn't do that in the books.

10. The more she thought about her family, she realized they were all wrong. All of their nicknames didn't fit. Teresa wasn't as kind as Mother Teresa. In fact, she often got violent when she didn't get her way. She hit people. Hard. They bled out on their kitchen floor until Vinny, her husband, came home. After that it would be a night of screaming and crying. All caused by the monster, Vinny.

9. He was supposed to be like St. Vincent, Vinny. He was supposed to be giving. He was supposed to help the poor. All he did was control them. He extorted them. Threatening to turn them into the police. Blaming them for things they didn't do. For things her, himself did. When she first met Vinny he was all the things he was supposed to be. She trusted him. Now, she found herself realizing she shouldn't have.

8. She thought about the name they gave her. Pandora. What a lovely name, she thought, if only it hadn't been ruined by those awful greek legends. She sighed as she sat down the watch the bag and the people that passed it. They would never know her real name. No one ever would. Although, she thought, no one would care.

7. Vinny and Teresa found her on the street. Her parents, killed right in front of her. She sat and cried in an abandoned alley. What felt like minutes turned into hours. It was getting dark and when she realized, it was too late. She suddenly became very aware of the few men that passed by. Then, one stopped. He was huge. Definitely taller than 6 feet.  It wouldn't be the first time she's seen a man like this but it was the first time she was alone. He walked past, first, but then circled around. He stood right by her feet. Looking down, he had a uneasy smile she knew she'd never forget. She still shivers thinking about being crumbled against that old building wall.

6. Soon after that Vinny walked down the alley with Teresa trailing behind. Pandora didn't want to think about what she was saved from. Ever. All she wanted to remember was Teresa hugging her while Vinny took care of that dreadful man. The hug was filled with warmth and love and it was the one of the many to come. Slowly they faded out. She wished now that she still received them.

5.  They took her to their home. They gave her blankets, food, anything she asked for. They gave her a cozy feeling she so dearly missed. They filled the holes in her heart. It was only a month later that she discovered it falling apart once more. She learned what they did. She knew like she had to leave, yet, she didn't have anywhere to go. Her only choice was to stay.

4. She remembered the other girl who stayed with her. Her name was Ed. She was so smart, she instantly earned the name after Thomas Edison. It was a short time that Ed was there though. One day she ticked off Teresa. That was her last day. It made Pandora cry, the only person she really connected to was gone. She was so smart, but brains didn't save her in the end. What a waste of talent, Pandora felt her eyes get glassy. No, she took a deep breath, you can't cry here, not now.

3. A few days after Ed died, Vinny had a talk with Pandora. It was about her future. The reason she sat here in this busy mall now. He gave her all the supplies, all the "encouragement" she needed. Then he sent her on her way. He kept saying that he sent her because she would blend in, but she couldn't tell if he was telling the truth. How did she know if he just saw her as expendable? Though, it was a popular spot she hung out, people saw her around a lot so she wouldn't be suspicious. Only she wished she was now. She prayed someone would notice the bag sitting across the room. No one did.

2. She stayed and cried. Leaning back on a column, she knew what was going to happen. Any minute now and there would be no mall. At least, not this part. She thought of all the people walking by. Hoping she wouldn't see anyone she knew. Wishing that someone would pull a fire alarm or that they all would suddenly leave. She wished she could stop it.
She remembered Vinny telling her to come home.
"Drop the bag and come home right away."
A bitter laugh came from her mouth. It made her realize how cruel the world was, sitting here and laughing at her own mistakes. How her whole life had changed from the past definition. The one thing that caused it all; that one night she would never forget. She had thought countless times, if she had just jumped in front of her parents, her brother, if she just did something. Call for help, run and scream like a maniac down the street. Anything would've been better than standing there and watching it all unfold. It was her fault, because she didn't try to save them, and now they were gone.
She cursed at herself for sitting her now, watching that stupid bag still. She had to do something but she knew she wouldn't. She was a coward, and that's all she'd ever be.

1. Just as she was getting up from her spot she felt a hand on her arm. Turning to look, she
saw Vinny looking frightened. He didn't look angry like she expected. She couldn't think of what he was so worried about. He didn't have to be here. He still had plenty of time, didn't he?
She was caught up in thinking long enough for Vinny to pick her up. He ran as fast as he could to the door, not even stopping to say sorry to the people he ran into. Something he wouldn't do in the first place, but still, he was knocking them to the ground.
They were finally out the door when time was up. Vinny kept running, he didn't want to look back now, fearing it would catch them in the end. She didn't look back either. But she didn't want to see the destruction she caused. All the lives she ruined. She couldn't save them. She killed them.  It was her fault.

She thought about getting up for a few seconds, and when she finally did she was startled as a hand flung on her shoulder. Turning to look, she saw it was Vinny. He looked out of breath, worried even. It surprised her that he was here, but mostly that he didn't look angry. He looked scared, and for a millisecond she wondered why. He didn't have to be here, he could have been out of the country by now. He still had plenty of time to get of the building now, didn't he? Before she had time to finish her thought, Vinny had picked her up and was already moving down the large hallway that lead outside. He was running faster than she's ever witnessed and he didn't even seem to notice the people he knocked to their feet. He was on a mission.

0. They were out the door when the clock struck zero, and she could tell from the loud thump that it had happened. She didn't want to look back at all the screaming people, all the panicked and hysterical mothers and fathers trying to get their children to safety. She couldn't look at the destruction she caused. How could she? She had just ruined countless of lives, probably ended them as well, and she could never take that back, no matter what she did. It would be her fault forever.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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14 MinutesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora