Meyer Lansky (1902-1983)

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I stared out the window at the black sky rolling by. The night time sky was beautiful, it was clear and some stars could be seen.

Looking over to my left, I studied Edward for a moment. Everything about him screamed Harry. From his long eyelashes to the hard line of his jaw. His now blood colored curls rested lightly pass his shoulders. It was a change from the stark blond hair that he had upon first meeting me. He seemed relaxed, driving with one hand on the steering wheel and occasionally shifting gears.

"What are you thinking about princess." I frowned.

"Where are we going?" Edward's face was thoughtful for a moment.

"I feel like you and I need to spend some time together." He spoke slowly, as if worried about scaring me.

"What? Why, you don't even like me." Edward frowned for a moment, his face showing some emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"It's not that I don't like you Bri." I crossed my arms.

"Well if it's not that, then what is it" Edward raised an eyebrow.

"First of all, you can lose the attitude." I huffed and sat back.

"I was going to escape...I was going to go live my own life. It's clear that you don't want me taking Harry away from you, and I don't want to be responsible for something like that...why won't you just let me go." Edward stopped the car suddenly, directly in the middle of the deserted road. Leaning over the console, his dark forest green eyes stared angrily at me, blood red curls framing his face making him appear more menacing.

"First of're not gotdamn going anywhere. Do you even know how much of an impact you've had on this family?! You leaving wouldn't be a good decision, it'd be selfish as fuck and I need you to get that through your stubborn ass head!" Tears came to my eyes.

"I've tried to leave this gotdamn family before! They tried to kill my ass! I want to leave because I don't want to get in between the incestous relationship that you have with your brother! I want to leave because I don't belong I don't want to be in a family where I don't belong...I just...I wanna go home and take care of my mom...I want to be around flowers again...I want to find someone...I want to find someone who loves me...who's gonna take care of me...I want...I want someone to care." By this time, tears were steadily running down my face.

"Bri, we all love yo-"

"NO you don't. You guys feel guilty because you tried to kill my ass. You guys could give less then two shits about me! And I don't want your fucking pity!" I whirled around and unlatched the door as fast as I could. I landed on the pavement and took off on a dead run. Or so I thought. Not two seconds later, an arm wound around my waist yanking me, and dragging me back towards the idling black truck. Edward quickly slammed both doors before opening the back one and throwing me inside, climbing in and slamming the door behind him. He grabbed my shirt quickly ripping it off along with my bra. Before I could gasp from the lack of clothes he slammed me down on the seat and leaned over me, fully clothed against my naked chest.

"Now that you can't fucking go anywhere because you're topless, you are going to listen and you are going to listen well." I opened my mouth to protest before his hand wrapped around my throats and lightly tightened, enough to cut my words off.

"One thing you'll quickly learn about me is that I'm not as nice as my brother. I won't have my woman disrespecting me. You can disrespect anyone else you want to, but
that shit isn't flying with me, so close your mouth and listen." I angrily glared at him as he stared into my eyes.

"This family...has always been close. No matter what we go through, we stick it out. We stay together. That's what a family is. When you walked into Harry's life, I knew the moment you did. I knew about the damn fruit salad you were eating, I know about when he hit you, I know when you ran away in Las Vegas. As narcissistic as it is, Harry is my soulmate and there will never be anyone to replace him." I shook from side to side trying to get him away from me.

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