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Nick comes later

Ashlie's POV

Having brothers suck.

Having older brothers suck.

But having FIVE older brothers really sucks.

Not to remind you- they're really protective.

The first and oldest is Uni. He's 29 and was adopted from England. 

2nd is Tommy. He's 25. 

Then Jon. (idk his real age) He's 23.

Cory and Dawn are twins and they are 22.

Then, theres me. Im Ashlie. I'm 20 and they youngest AND only girl of 5. 


"Wakey wakey." Uni says. He shakes me violently.

Now, Uni is kinda rude. He doesn't now it, but sometimes when he disciplines us it REALLY hurts. He thinks cause' he is 29 that he's better.

"Ow.. Uni stop." I mumble. He laughs.

"Get out." I say. He leaves. I get ready and realize it's summer vacation. I walk over to my desk and start writing.

I love writing songs and singing. That's what I do a lot when i'm home alone.

-1 hour later-

I finally finish my song and walk downstairs.

"What took you so long young lady? And why aren't you dressed?! I woke you up an hour ago!" Uni scolds.

"I-I was.. umm.." I mutter. I cant let them know I like singing.

Then they'll want me to sing for them.

Also, my songs are all in my notebook of privacy. "You what?!" Uni yells.

"UNI!" Tommy says, pulling his hand back. "Okay, Ashlie, we are gonna go to a meeting for our cl- our jobs. You'll have to be home alone for an hour." Tommy says.

Was he about to say clubs? Losers.

"Okay." I say.

"And you better be ready by then." Cory says.

"Okay.." I grumble.

"No parties." Dawn points at me.

"Okay!" I say annoyed.

"AND NO BOYS!" they all yell.

"OKAY! I GOT IT." I yell.

The boys all leave and I immediantly take a shower to get it over with. I go and get in my closet. I open up a secret door and sneak in. I walk up to my piano and start to sing my song, finding the right notes to go along with it.

I was singing my song when the boys came home.

I quickly shut up and hustled out. I close my secret door and hide it with baskets.

I run down and see the boys. "Were you singing?" Cory asks. "N-no." I say nervously. "I heard a piano." Jon says. "There's none.." My voice says, getting high pitched. "You're lying. Your voice gets high pitched when you're lying. Do you have a piano?" Uni asks.

"N-" I go to say no but Tommy looks at e dead in the eye and cuts me off.

"Where is it?" He asks. "This way.." I say, dragging them into my closet.

We all scoot ourselves into my secret room. "Did you make this?" Jon asks. "I decorated it, I found it last summer.." I say.

"Hah! You write songs!?" Uni laughs.

"Don't make fun of her!" Cory scolds. He takes my and and leads me to the piano.

"Play." He says.

I start to play my new song and sing it.

This is gonna be a long summer.


487 words

hope you enjoyed, bye

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