Old friends? more like enemies.

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oh shit.

oh shit

oh shit!!!

my heart race increases rapidly as I looked at him. that stupid smirk on his face made me want to puke my guts out.

he can't be Here. this isn't happening! I closed my eyes briefly.

when I open my eyes he will be gone. its all just one big nightmare. I opened my eyes. he is still here.

he grabbed my arm forcibly and I let out a yelp in pain. his grip around my arm tightened as he pulled me up the stairs to my room.

I wanted to yell. the scream for someone to help... but. it would be useless. he would still find me. if not today, then tomorrow. or the next day. there was no hiding.

I looked completely deferent than I did three years ago and yet he still found me.

he slammed the door to my room shut making sure to lock it.

Nash please find me! I silently prayed.

he shoved me making me stumble and fall to the floor. groaning I quickly got up and took a step farther away from him.

a sickly smirk firmed on his face causing bile to rise in my throat. and hr took a set forward.

every step he took forward I took a step back. until my back hot a solid surface.

oh shiz I'm trapped!!

I gulped as he stopped a few feet away from me. he lifted his hand up and brushed a stray piece of hair out of my face.

I flinched as his hand reached my face. I didn't want his dirty hands anywhere my face. god knows where they had been before.

"you look amazing my little raspberry" he admired. normally I would have blushed at such a complement. but not with him. I didn't want his complements. I didn't want his attention.

I wanted him to just disappear off the face of the earth. his complement sounded like acid burning my ears. I wanted nothing more than to scream and run away, but that would only make him angry.

"I missed you so much" he mussed. I don't care if you missed me! I want you to get the hell away from be and get out of my life!!! I wanted to scream at him but I held back my vicious remark and kept quiet. he doesn't deserve me wasting my breath speaking to him.

"did you miss me?" he asked sounding slightly angered.

he gripped my wrist tightly and I yelped quietly in pain. I nodded to answer the question. but the truth was I didn't. I never wanted to see him again.

"yes" I mumbled rubbing my aching wrist. he smirked at me, nodding.

"I've waited so long to see you again. we can finally be together. you are mine. you hear me? MINE. I don't want to see with any other men okay? or there will be consequences. " he walked towards the corner I was hiding in, gripping my jaw painfully tight. I whimpered at the pain that was now surging through my jaw.

*ON HOLD* The bad boys sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang