Life with epilepsy

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  Suddenly I shake and twitch,
Convulsing like a rag doll;
Like a toy robot with a glitch

No control, I fall to the ground.
Slowly but surly I can hear no sound.

Nerves twist, tears fall.
I can feel no one at all.
What seems like forever passes bye, it feels like death

Sound is the first thing to come back,
Everything is loud,
Then touch.

Who are you, please don't touch me.
I think but I cant speak.
Like a baby learning to talk I mumble, still can't walk yet.

My world, once so dark is now filled with blinding light.

I'm helpless.
Please hold me,
Tell me its alright now
So I can feel safe for a moment.

I look up to see smiles,
Worried faces,
Its been happening for years  

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