Part four of chapter one

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"Ruby? Ruuuuuby? Wake up Ruby." Weiss whispered in a hushed sing song, trying to wake the Brunette peacefully.

"Okay seriously, please get up Ruby, our classes begin in 20 minutes and we still need to change."

Ruby mumbles as she slowly gets up and rubs her eyes, "I guess... we were more tired than we thought huh?"

"Yeah, we were, now get out of my way I need to change." Weiss replied as she pulled Ruby off the bed and stepped over her into the bathroom.

"Be quick! I need to change too, I have history in a few minutes." Ruby called out, getting up off the floor.

Ruby quickly grabbed her bag and grabbed her assignment, looking at empty spaces where answers were supposed to be, "Weiss! Weiss I need your help!"

The Ice Queen stepped out of the bathroom, tilting her head slightly in confusion, "Well... what is the big deal that couldn't wait?"

Ruby silently lifts a 3 page assignment, completely blank where the answers should be.

"Oh Ruby... How could you have forgotten to do your assignment? You were being totally lazy last night you dolt!" Weiss sighed rubbing her forehead in disappointment.

"Yeah I know Weiss, you don't need to rub it in. What am I supposed to do about this though?" Ruby asked, feeling defeated.

Weiss sighed heavily, "I guess I can stay here and help you and go to class later when we're finished this."

"Wait what? Weiss, are you sure? I don't wanna ruin your record just because I was being stupid and playing games last night." Ruby replied, conflicted about whether to accept or decline her help.

"Ruby, just calm down, okay? I'm fine with missing some class to help you out. Just tell me, what were you doing last night anyway?" Weiss said trying to comfort the slightly panicky girl.

"I was uh..." The Brunette starts, already embarrassed, "I was playing Fallout New Vegas, 4 is pretty good but I love the NCR!"

Weiss stares at the girl blankly, "Um... ok, well, let's get started on the assignment now."

The two girls sit at the desk and begin working on the assignment, "Hey Weiss? Thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it." Ruby says with a smile, leaning her head on Weiss' shoulder.

"Any time Ruby, just hopefully not soon. Now, Question 1: Why is the moon shattered? And be quick, we got 24 more of these." The two girls peacefully did their homework and went off to class, Weiss ended up getting an A+, as expected from a Schnee.   

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