Welcome to the world....

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Wow. Beautiful.

I sat with a new human in my arms. 5 hours ago, El and Louis became parents. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. 

Eleanor did a brilliant job; the birth went extremely smooth. Louis was with her every step of the way; Eleanor had asked for Louis, her mum and myself to be in the birthing room with her. All the boys and the proud parents' families were waiting outside. 

As soon as their new baby girl had been weighed and cleaned, The nurse layed her on El's chest for almost an hour. It was a new technique the hospital was using so the mother and baby could bond through touch. 

"Baby Tomlinson was born 8:48am, on Tuesday 3rd September. weighing 7lb 4oz. Congratulations to parents Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder." 

There was not a dry eye in the room. The feeling that a new human is now in the room, without the door opening, is just amazing. A creation in result of the love between two people. 


"So....." My smile grew; I think El knew what I was going to ask, "Have you decided on a name yet then?"

Both El and Louis turned their heads to look at each other. "We are going to wait until everyone has returned to the room and then let you know." Louis's voice was excited.

Harry and Beth soon returned from getting drinks. Beth is still with Liam; Harry has come to terms that he is not winning her anytime soon, so he has tried to move on. "Tea for Three!" Beth handed Niall a cup; containing hot chocolate, which didnt look brilliant.

"Right. So now you are all here, Ladies and gentlement, We've been thinking alot over the last few weeks, together, about what we would out beau to be called. We've decided o-" El's voice was quiet. she was exausted.

"POPPY ROSE!" Louis blurted out. He waited a few seconds, "Tomlinson."

"Louis!" El exclaimed. She was too tired to start an arguement.

"Sorry." Lou bowed his head. "I just got... arrrr." He kissed her forehead.

"Excited?" Zayn announced. We all laughed in unison.

"Well, I guess all there is to do it say We-" I began.

"Welcome to the world Poppy Rose Tomlinson."


We stayed at the hosital for an hour or so more, before heading home. Both El and Baby Poppy needed some rest. The hospital provided a camp bed for Louis so he could stay the night.

Smiles were tattooed to our faces as we arrived back to Louis' flat. I headed straight to bed; changing into my night clothes. Niall walked into the room in just in his boxers. "I love you." Niall came over to my side of the bed and sat, next to my legs. My body under the douvet and my arms resting above. I propt my head agains the head board behind me.

"Yes, and I love you too." I placed my hand on his thigh and starred in his eyes. He rose from the bed, walking round to the other side; I slid my body down the bed and wrapped our arms around eachother. "Good night beautiful."

"Good night beau. Get some rest. Its a big day tomorrow!"


The morning sunlight broke through the curtains. The fingerprints visible on the window.

Today is the day, where we help Louis move all their belongings to their new house. Lou gave us the address to the new place. "Ok mate, we will be there in about an hour. byee!" he elongates the 'e' on his final words before hanging up.

"How is louis?"

"He's not bad. They all got alot of rest last night. He said Poppy didn't wake up during the night so everyone got plenty of rest. El is still sleeping." As he spoke he rose from the bed, wearing just his boxer shorts and walked towards the bathroom. I followed his lead but made a stop at the wardrobe first. I grabbed two clean towels and met him in the bathroom. 

"I'll go and begin breakfast, while you shower and then we'll swap. Don't be too long!" I offered. I pecked him on the lips before leaving him too it.

Soon we were both showered, dressed and fed. And it was time for the off to Louis and El's new house. We climbed into the car as I pinned the Postcode into my phone navigation. Multi-tasking to it's best. 

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