Enjoy The Show

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OK, chill out. Don't pass out. It's just your favorite band in the world. And you've seen them It was the times in the past years. You need to get used to this amazing excitement and adrenaline rush. Don't pass out. Just don't pass out.

I tried to calm myself down with positive thinking as we were approaching the venue where 30 Seconds to Mars was supposed to have their final show on the tour.

First, it was time for the meet and greet, when we'll see the guys up close and maybe even talk to them a little. I, as a real little dreamer, have always hoped Jared might recognize me on some of the meet and greets since there was not a single one I missed at the shows that I had attended before. Obviously, I knew he couldn't possibly remember me out of all the people he talked to, but a girl could dream, right?

We were slowly moving towards the long hallway to an enormous room where Jared, Shannon and Tomo were gonna sign autographs and take pictures with us. The line couldn't go any slower as we were skillfully directed to the room by the whole arsenal of security. I guess they knew how crazy the crowd tends to be so they needed to be extra careful and make sure we were all on our best behavior.

Finally, after almost 20 minutes of pacing, we were in the room waiting for the guys to come out. My heart started to race, palms were sweating, and I could barely catch my breath. I started fanning myself with the notebook I had in my backpack when my friend started giggling.

"You better calm down, or you'll end up in ER instead of in Jared's arms," she teased me knowing how much I love Jared Leto.

"I can't help it. I seriously feel like the room is spinning," I said and took a sip of water. Luckily, I know how I always react to Jared showing up a feet away from me, so I'm always ready with a bottle of liquid.

The people that were close to the door suddenly started squealing and screaming from excitement, which was a clear sign the band was gonna come inside any second.

He was the first to enter the room and my breathing simply stopped. The moment I saw that shiny pink hair, and those ray bans perfectly framing his smoothly shaved face, accentuating that flawless jawline that I've always dreamed of kissing, I felt my body trembling. Jared walked in and Shannon and Tomo followed. All of us started screaming of excitement and the three of them waved and smiled at us saying hello almost in synced.

They sat at the long table and waited for us to line up and get our autographs. First Jared talked for a couple of minutes thanking us for all the love and support we were giving them. He told a couple of jokes and anecdotes from the tour and then it was time for them to start signing autographs.

We all lined up and waited patiently for a second of their attention that was only meant for each and every one of us individually. We'll, everyone except me. I was on pins and needles to look Jared in those mesmerizing blue eyes that made my knees weak.

The closer I was getting to him the more my heart raced and I had to control my emotions so I don't really end up passing out. When it was finally my turn I gave Jared a picture of us that we took on some of the previous meet and greets. As I handed him the photo he looked at me, smiled, and said, "Hi."

I gulped and said hi back with the stupidest smile on my face, incapable of looking away from this gorgeous man. "Enjoy the show." Jared said and smiled as he was signing the picture.

"I definitely will." I must've sounded like a turned on teenager because Jared smiled, nodded and made the strangest face. Like he was gonna say, I bet you will.

"Here you go." Jared gave me the picture and smiled. I said thanks with a short sigh not wanting to separate from him.

My friend was just behind me, and she slightly pushed me forward so I can move on and let others approach Jared, since my feet felt like they were glued to the floor. I never wanted to walk away from Jared, but I knew I had to. I sighed and moved away, when I took a glance at the picture and was shocked by the inscription on it.

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