A Secret Cave

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Finn lays there sobbing with a picture of Flame Princess with Finn, the face of Finn was burnt off. He looks at the picture and mumbles "why wont you accept me anymore?" He places the photo back on his chest and continues to weep. When Finn hears a knock on his door his instant reaction is, "go away Jake.... I don't want to go on an adventure" to his surprise he hears Peppermint Butler's voice "No Finn. You have been invited to celebrate your 16th birthday in the castle". Finn lays there thinking for a bit and replies weakly "No thanks", Peppermint Butler shakes his head and leaves. There was another knock, Finn goes and answers the door "no Peppermint Butler... I don't want to go!" he raises his voice to realize that is was Jake.

"Finn you need to go out and do something... Anything, within reason. I mean, its your 16th birthday. You only get one of those, so go out and enjoy it." Finn sighs "fine..." Jake sniffs and gags, "but first. How about a shower man. You reek." Finn chuckles slightly "alright." He heads back in his room and grabs a fresh set of clothes. Finn heads to the shower and turns the water on cool and steps in after he strips down. When he steps in he feels like he just lost 30 pounds, while sighing he says "this actually feels good".  After about 5 minutes Finn steps out and grabs a towel, he dries off and gets dressed in his normal clothes. As Finn steps out of the bathroom Jake was sitting there with Finn's backpack "ready Finn?" "glob ya man" Finn says slightly excited.

As Finn and Jake head out Ice King flies in "Hey guy-" before he could finish his sentence he flies right into the ground eating a lot of dirt. He lays on the ground for a sec while Finn and Jake look at him. Ice king then scrambles to his feet like a buffoon "hey Finn... I haven't seen you all week whats the deal?" Finn just stares at him and then looks down "nothing." he remembers when Ice King and Flame Princess fought. "ah lady troubles? Ya, I know what that's like." Finn just shakes his head and walks past trying to forget about Flame Princess. Jake stays back and talks to Ice King "Finn is going through a rough time, so just kinda... you know not be you?" Ice King looks at Jake weird "yes...?"

After Jake and Ice King had their conversation Jake ran up to Finn "so Finn, what do you want to do today? We could go on that train again. Or, ooh.. The party is still going on." Finn looks at Jake "I suppose we can go to that." Jake grows into a horse "climb on, I will take you to your party my liege" Finn laughs a bit and climbs on to be transported to the castle where Finn opens the door slowly to reveal all of the kingdom to be dancing and laughing, along with a few other people who happen to know Finn. People stare at him for a second and then in unison yell out "Happy birthday Finn" Finn smiles to the fact that so many people are here. After that every one went back to chatting and drinking. As Finn looks around to see who was playing the guitar, he notices there is no band around so he looks up and smiles to the sight of Marceline playing her guitar. Marceline smiles back and floats down "hey Finny, big 16 now. Congrats." Marceline says in her normally seductive tone, by now Finn has a full blown smile going on for the first time since he was dumped. "yah, its... you know, just another day" Finn says trying to act cool, but little did he know Jake was watching him, still not trusting Marceline. "Hey want to go on an adventure Finn?" Jake jumps from Finn's backpack "absolutely not, Finn your staying here and your going to enjoy your party" Finn looks at Jake "what on earth are you doing in my bag? go talk to lady rainicorn" Jake mumbles and walks into the crowd and Finn goes back to talking with Marceline "sure, where are we going?" Marceline chuckles "I found a secret cave I want to explore with you".Finn looks around to see if Jake is watching and nods "lets go" Marceline smiles, grabs her hat and they walk out the door and head off to a secret cave.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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