Chapter - 3

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They arrived, Tony parked the car and all three went into the concert hall. There was a bunch of people and they went ahead ... At that time the band "Skillet" sang their famous song "Monster", then "Hero", "Rise" for these songs they sang "Not gonna die" ... everyone received an unforgettable Pleasures from these songs and from such a shocking performance, shouted, danced and sang along ...
The guys did not notice how they flew the time, they just enjoyed themselves and nobody talked to each other, they just drank and Bell closed her eyes and opened and looked back to see John Cooper, the vocalist of the rock band, reach out to Heilen. And Heilen did not know what to do about the excitement. She was so happy and shocked, stretching out her hand, stepped onto the stage ... And Tony and Bell screamed and clapped and photographed Heilen ... Heilen danced and sang John Cooper, if you can call it - a dance. She took the marker from the bag, took off the sneaker and handed it to the vocalist. He left his autograph on her white sneaker. Heilen was not at ease with this turn. Then she came down from the stage, shaking his hand ... Heilen, continued the fun with her friends ... Heilen was smiling, was so happy, her feelings were full. Bell is having fun on the full, Tony is standing next to them and he is also very happy, the concert is going on seems all perfect ...
Bell went to the restroom, washed, pulled out cosmetics from her bag and updated her makeup ... A brunette of medium height entered the lavatory. Bell did not pay attention and continued to make her make-up ... That girl pulled a piece of paper out of her bag and handed it to Bell. Bell looked in amazement at that girl and asked
- What is it ?
- Do not ask anything, just take it. I was asked to convey ... - that girl left the envelope and left the restroom ... The young lady looked at the piece of paper. On paper was written in small handwriting "Do you think that you can hide from the truth? And to live as if nothing happened. If you think so, then you are very mistaken ... Do not forget this moment, I will go to meet you at every opportunity. I will not leave until your very death ... "
Bell followed her quickly, but that unknown girl was already out of sight. The young lady returned to the lavatory and on the edge of the mirror was written "X". This letter was on that letter that was sent in the afternoon ... Bell froze when she saw this ... Quickly, in a panic, she checked all the cabins, they were empty. She looked at the top, saw the window open above the second cabin. Here came Heilen
- Bell! Why so long ?
- Uh ... I'm coming. The pale girl started to gather her things in confusion. Heilen noticed a note on the hand of Bell.
- What is it ?
- What ? And this is nothing, a simple rubbish-squeezing a paper threw it into the urn, which stood on the corner. Heilen glanced at the urn, looked suspiciously at her friend, said
- It happens that something is not right, right? You, already a couple of months outside of yourself? What's going on with Bell?
What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about ...
And then three girls came in, it was noisy ... The music stretched out the door and it was not possible to talk. Bell nodded toward the door, hinting at the exit. Heilen nodded positively and they left the bathroom.
The girls joined a friend ... The concert ended ... They all parted goodbye, agreed to meet tomorrow night at about five o'clock, on the roof of the building with dark black glasses, where they usually gather together ...
Bell came home after changing her clothes, preparing dinner ... There was still no one at home, as Mom and Dad left for Bristol, and my grandmother left for her home in Platz, as she is much better off with health. She insisted that, with all the household chores, she could calmly manage ... And for dinner, Bell ate Briisol and decided to watch the movie. Considered all the disks did not choose, took the first one in her hands and it was "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1-piece"
... cooked herself a popcorn and darkened the room, and then covered her leg and back with a blanket. I took popcorn, I watched the movie ...
Tony went to work after the concert. He works in the cafe "Kennet" This is a cafe, they opened with his aunt ... Joan deals with orders, and the delivery is Tony. They still have four other workers who help in the affairs of cafes ... Their regular customers are Bell and Heilen, and their family)
After work, Tony and his aunt went home. Tony went to his room. He took a shower and went to bed, he immediately fell asleep.
Heilen went to her boutique, changed into comfortable clothes and spent time there till evening ... They brought new goods, she laid them out in order, settled financial matters and went home in the evening ... Her family was just going to have dinner ...
- Hi maaam and Paaap ~ and nothing that I say in English. Lol - laughing and kissing mom and dad on the cheek and sat down at the table ...
- You are hungry ? - asked my mother laughing ...
- Still would! I'm hungry like a horse ...! - Heilen said and asked - And what for dinner? - Mrs. Stone, having brought a dish on the table, answered - Chicken liska
"Mmmm ... how am I getting hungry, how do these lashes look appetizing," said Heilen and started eating ...
Heilen told her parents about her day and showed the pictures they took during the concert ... She was very tired, but happy ... After supper, she barely reached her room and fell asleep immediately ...
At that time, Bell watched the second part of the film ... Nuuu probably left the TV on, and Bell herself fell asleep with popcorn in her mouth ...
Suddenly Bell heard a noise from the door near the door, someone tried to open the door of them it seemed two. Bell turned the television off ... "The thieves, the murderer, who is this?" Scared Bell to death with hysteria. Terrible thoughts penetrated her mind. She remembered the letter, the case in the restroom. She vividly picked up a carafe with water, which stood on a coffee table hid behind the sofa ... And the door opened and Bell saw 2 shadows ...

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