Kristina's Graduation

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"Okay, sweetheart. You're all set," Patrick hugged Kristina.

"Thank you so much, Daddy. I love you," she hugged him back.

"I love you, too. Now go get 'em!"

Kristina gave a final wave to her father before walking towards the rest of her classmates, while Patrick found his seat next to his best friends and nieces.

"So, your little girl is growing up, man," Joe teases. "I remember when she was only a little baby, pooping in her diaper."

"I remember the day when you lifted her out of the womb and sang The Lion King," Pete says.

"Yeah, don't think that happened," Patrick says.

"Shh, let him believe it," Joe fake whispers, earning a glare from Pete.

"Remind me, why did I have to wear a dress and not them?" Rachel glared at Joe.

"Because you gotta look fab," Joe says, whipping his hair to the side and acting sassy to his daughter, who sassed back by whipping her hair in his face. "Ew! Your hair tastes like... apples?"

"Can I smell?" Bree and Hannah say at the same time.

"I want to try," Pete says, grabbing Rachel's hair.

"It's vegan," Andy says.

"How do you know that?!" Patrick questions.

"I gave her that shampoo for Christmas. I believe it is called Country Apple," Andy smiled proudly causing Pete to snort.

"Vegan shampoo," Pete snorts at the idea that this exists.

"I got a Starbucks flavoured one," Hannah says.

"Shocking," Patrick rolls his eyes.

"Better not let Kristina catch you doing that," Joe says.

"I'm the father, not her," Patrick says chuckling.

"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night," Joe says.

"We all know Elisa and Kristina run the house, you just follow what Elisa says," Pete teases.

"You're-," Patrick starts to say, but stops himself. "No, I'm not going to sound like Donald Trump."

"Ew, not the cheeto man," Rachel cringes and everyone shivers.

"How much longer until the ceremony starts?" Hannah asks.

"Just a few more minutes," Patrick answers after checking his phone.

"I'm going to cry when she walks across the stage," Hannah says.

"Crafting already," Rachel blurts out.

"Here, let me dry the tears," Hannah says, taking out a picture of Nick Petricca. "Oh, that's not a tissue."

"Trash," Joe coughs out.

"You know what-," Hannah starts but is cut off by the lights dimming.

"Ooh, it's starting!" Patrick squeals, already getting his camera ready.

"Good afternoon," one of the teacher says, grabbing onto the microphone.

"That's not Kristina," Andy whispers.

"Of course not, you dingus," Joe whispers back.

"I am pleased to welcome you all to this ceremony for our 2017 high school graduates,"

The ceremony began and after some talking from the principal, the graduates began to enter. Patrick was on the edge of his seat waiting for Kristina with his iPhone, ready to get pictures of his little girl. When she entered, his smile grew and he took a few pictures of her. Kristina noticed her family together in the seats and couldn't help the smile that formed as she saw them.

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