94. (Story)

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I was so pissed. Setting my phone down I look at Jasmin, Hayes, Aurora, and Shawn. My sister and Matt had gone to go get our friend, Amelia from the airport. She'd been in New Zealand spending over a year there for a retreat. The jacks were in Las Vegas for something. So it was just the five of us. My friends had never seen me this mad before, but today, I couldn't even control my anger. Jack had been trying to call me since the day before yesterday when all this shit blew up all over social media, and I have been ignoring him. I was gonna meet up with her today, whether it resulted in a fight or not, I didn't care. I get up off the couch and go to my room and change into a pair of jeans and crop top. "You're really gonna do this?", Aurora asks me. I nod at her. Putting my shoes on I look at the time, it's already 230. "Are you guys coming or not?", I ask grab my phone and going back to the living room. Looking up at them I see them already at my car. I love the friends I have. Getting in, we start the drive to Malibu. "He's calling again", Jas tells me from the passenger seat. "Have Shawn answer the phone, I don't felling like arguing with him right now", I say. I hear Shawn answer the phone and he basically tells him where we're going. I don't get mad though, they would've found out anyway. After a while I hear Shawn sigh and then hang up the phone. "What?", I ask taking a glance out of the rear view mirror. "They're back in California, they're meeting us in Malibu", he says. I shrug and keep driving.

A while later we make it to Malibu and I park my car and we all pile out. It's now 3:58 and I'm so ready for this. We walk a little ways towards the beach and that's when I spot her and she looks at me. I laugh to myself. She wastes no time getting up from the sand, and charging me. Everything happens in slow motion. I don't even have time to put up my hair when I feel her tackle me to the ground. I come back to reality and start swinging. She's on top of me for a while trying to hit my head against the sidewalk but I throw her off of me and this time I throw her to the ground. I don't even know where my friends are. I get on top her this time making her hit her head before I punch her in the nose. I feel her hand swing at my cheek and I wince. Taking her hair in my hand I drag her, literally, before kneeing her in the stomach. My adrenaline is sky high and I'm shaking to the point where I almost can't control it. Throwing another punch I hit her again in the face and that's when I see blood, I'm guessing from her nose, I couldn't really tell. My hand again, connects with her face before I'm being picked up off of her, my hand still in her hair. I don't realize who lifted me until I turn my head a little to the side and see Jack. Letting go of her hair I'm being walked backwards towards the parking lot. I look at Andrea and she has her friends all trying to help her up. I fight to get out of Jack's grip and when he lets me go I put my hair up. Her hair is all over the place and I see her extensions all over the place.
"Don't try and come for me next time, fucking bitch!", I yell across the way. Blood is evident on her face and I don't know if I hit her hard enough to the point where I broke her nose or what. "This was so fucking unnecessary but you wanted to act all big and bad, so boom", I say still raising my voice. "Chill out", I hear Jack say from next to me. I glare at him. "Are you kidding me?", I yell. "You didn't have to all this shit dude, all of this could've been avoided if you would've just let it go", he tries to reason. I shake my head. "Are you honestly trying to defend her right now?", I ask him. "Thanks not what I'm saying, Ash", he says. I roll my eyes. "Whatever jack, you wanna be with her, go for it. Fuck you and fuck her", I yell before turning around and walking to my car. He cheated on me with her, it had to have been for a reason right? They deserve eachother. I have Shawn drive us back to my apartment, I'm still too pissed to do anything and on top of that my hand hurts like a bitch. "Looks like we're gonna have to stop at the hospital", Aurora says. I sigh. What a day this has been.

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