13 questions

11 0 5

1. Do you like someone?
Does a 30 year old youtuber count a.k.a Amazing Phil

2. Do they like me?
They don't even know me!1!1!

3. Middle name?
Rose haha like the flower haha

4. Single or taken?
Single as a Pringle (why  do they even say that Pringles don't come in singles)

5. Last person I texted?

6.last song I listened to?
Umm. . . Either a Disney song or an emo song as I had my playlist on shuffle.

7. Battery percentage right now?

8. Girl best friend?
21cmcarr and cherryblossomlove22

9. Guy best friend?

10. Favorite otp?

11. Why did I make an account?
So I could read and comment and write a bit.

12. Current lock screen?

 Current lock screen?

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13. Birthday?
August 18

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