The Diary of Aefre of the Wold

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It is HIGHLY recommended that you read Rider of the Mark and LOVE! Rohirrim style before you embark on this series of remembrances. 

Story notes:

When I finished Rider of the Mark, I felt empty… I mean it was worse than empty nest, I think – I’ve come to enjoy the characters, but I like full circles. Oftentimes when reading a really engrossing book or series, I wonder to myself… well? What happened after they lived happily ever after?

100 gen Fics comes from a LJ blog prompts. All of these are in the Rider Universe – which would include Love! Rohirrim Style. I snatched it from someone, I forget who. LOL! There are 100 Dark Fic prompts as well, but seeing some of the prompts, I don’t know if I can actually stomach to do them, even in dreams – and that would be a LOT of dreams. I suspect there are perhaps an installment or two that will be considered VERY dark. So maybe these will help Rider come full circle – at least for me.

The majority of this should be rated General to Teen. Thanks to a rather peculiar reviewer with an even MORE peculiar sense of what ‘mature’ is or ‘canon’ is, (not here) I’ve rated the fic as a whole as Mature due to a few installments - so far.

Most of these are quite short – from true 100 word drabbles (yes, I can do those.) to 1000 words. A few are longer…  Most are Rider-verse – meaning Gamling and Co… They are NOT in any sort of order – written as the bunny bit me. There are some LRS – Eomer/Lothiriel. I would love to think those two were a love-match, rather than a political marriage. I think a political marriage would be SO un-Tolkien-like…

But that’s me…

There is no schedule update for this. Just as the bunny bites.

Title: The Diary

Series: The Rohirric Series

Author:  Zee's Muse

Fandom: LOTR

Characters: Gamling/OFC; Éomer/Lothiriel, various Ocs 

Rating: R 

Disclaimer: I am not Tolkien. Really. I’m not. I do things to his characters that he would have never dreamed of and might be rolling over in his grave about. I’m not making a dime. No money, no suey.

Timeline: From the War on

Setting: Rohan. Mostly in the Wold

Warnings: 200+ vignettes depicting family life and a Rider dealing with his PTSD

Spoilers: No

Beta: Alex

Dedication: I just wanted to prove I could write a drabble. Honest.

The Diary


”Béma!” The youngest of the siblings stood in front of the fireplace in his parents’ rooms, warming his hands by the flame. “I thought they’d never die!”

He realized just how that sounded before his sister gasped. He turned around, frantic. “Léoma! I didn’t mean it that way!” 

There was a thump on the back of his head. His elder – by seven minutes – brother scowled as he walked by, a mug of honey mead in his hand. “Your way with words has never been much higher than the gutter!” He slung himself in a chair; the one favored by his father and ran his free hand through long, unruly strawberry blond locks. In a move reminiscent of his sire, he slung one leg over the chair arm.

“What I meant was…” the youngest one’s voice drifted off before whispering, “I thought they would live forever.”

“Live forever,” his brother scoffed. “Da was 92 summers. He was still riding his horse this past harvest.” He lifted his mug, toasting the banner of his house, hanging over the fireplace. Their mother always made sure they knew who they were and where they came from. “He wasn’t ill, wasn’t in pain. He lived a long, healthy life and went out laughing.” He took a gulp of his mead. “Béma will it, we should go the same way.”

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