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   Again,Phoenix was the first one to wake up. So she decided to talk a little walk to the creek. She softly got up trying not to hurt her naturally broken leg. When Phoenix was walking down to the creek to get a early cold drink,she heard screeching and went on running towards the sound that she had heard. As Phoenix skidded to a stop as she looked up to see a tall,fat,fence. She roared as good and loud as she could,which was still quiet because she was still a baby panther. So some how someone opened the gate in the tall wooden sticks. Phoenix squealed as the skinny,brunet, picked her up. "Let me go!" Phoenix roared but all the humans heard was a tiny screech and laughed. "Hey!This isn't funny!" Phoenix squealed,again,the humans laughed. Phoenix wonders what her parents and Mike were thinking right now,either still sleeping,hunting,drinking,or eating the food they hunted. Phoenix thought that no one of her family would even recognize her disappearance, or noticed it and didn't give a crap. But Phoenix just was happy to have someone be nice to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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