Leave me alone

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Your pov

*two and a half months later*

You've been so stressed out lately. On the news it's been said Justin Bieber might quit his career. All because of me. Every single fan of him hates me. I wish they knew the truth. You get up and go quickly into the bathroom. Grab the blade and cut 3 times on your stomach. Then you get up and put sweatpants and sweatshirt. You hear a knock on the door. You remember Brooklyn isn't here. You go down there and open the door. You see scooter there. Oh no.

"Hey Maddie" he says.

"What do you want" I said harshly

"I just wanted to know why you left, don't worry I won't ask you to come back. I just want to know" eh says.

You explain everything. When you finish he looks surprised.

"That doesn't sound like Justin" he says

"Well I don't care if you don't trust me, that's what I saw. Now please get out" you say standing up.He walks toward the door and leaves. You remember you still have clothes in Justin house. So you decided to go get them. Nothing is going to make you go back. So you go into your car and drive to your old house. Luckily you have a key so you got in quick. Hearing Justin singing:

Come on over in my direction so thankful for that, it's such a blessing, yeah

Turn every situation into hea-

He turns around and sees you. He quickly stands up and walks up to you. He grabs your face. You push him away.

"A song for that little slut of yours?" You say.

"Maddie,I-I can explain" he says.

"Sure you can, I don't wanna hear it" you walk upstairs and lock the door behind you. You hear Justin trying to open the door.

"Maddie please, I can explain" he says.

"Fine but you aren't coming in the room" you say.

He starts explaining. You start feeling guilty but then you hit your stomach against something and you winced. Reminding yourself why you cut. Then you hear the love of you life.

"Maddie? Are you okay?" He says trying to open the door.

"I-I'm fine" you say chocking back a sob. You walk to the bathroom. Grabbing your old blade. Sliding it thru your your wrist, 4 times. You sit there. Start getting light headed.

"Maddie? MADDIE?" He says knocking on the door.

"J-Justin" you manage to say. You hear him break down the door. You try to stand up but fall. Blood all over the place. Then you hear Justin scream your name he picks you up. But then the world goes dark.

*35 minutes later*

You wake up. You noticed to your on your old bed. Justin's arm around you. Bandaids all over your fresh cuts. You feel water drop on your head. You look up. You see Justin crying.He sees you.

"I-I'm so so s-sorry M-Maddie" he stutters. "I c-caused t-this" he keeps talking. "I j-just want you to k-know, t-that I l-love y-you" he kissed your forehead. "I-I'll g-go now" he says standing up. You pull him back."Babe, I love you too, I know we have our ups and downs. But you are my world. No one can take you away" you say. "I love you Maddie" he says. "I love you too" you respond.

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