Bus stop

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   I groaned as the sound of my alarm clock erupted at my room. Not even bothering to turn it off , I went in the bathroom and washed my face to release the dizziness that I feel , I look at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my fingers at the dark circles under my eyes due to lack of sleep.

"Well... I look like a panda Daehwi, its your fault anyways"

I said to myself, and took a shower as fast as I can ,not wanting to be late in my first day in my senior year. Since this is the last school year in highschool, I dont want to be in the principal's office in my first day, because in the past 3 years thats what really happened, lets just hope it'll be different this year.

After taking a quick shower I slipped at my uniform and headed downstairs to get snacks and other stuffs that would help me not to feel hungry because i dont really mind eating breakfast at home not wanted to be watched by a bunch of maids while eating on a long dining table ALONE--- Our family may be rich but that doesn't change the fact that I'm feeling abandoned with my own parents or maybe---not maybe but I feel like living alone in this big mansion without accompany of anyone except of the maids but I can't stop wishing selfishly that I want how family feels like,loving each other, eating together and having time with each other is all that I could wish for but sadly , all of these wish couldn't be granted.

Obviously my parents are both busy with work, very busy that they dont have any day off,well being the child of the CEO of two companies---and having companies owned by a couple makes the business strong or shall I call this partnership, honestly I'm envious on my mom and dad because they can still see each other while working.

In the midst of packing my snacks, I felt a hand tapped my shoulders---and I'm sure it belongs from my mom

"Daehwi,honey do you mind having breakfast,I'll tell the maids to cook for you,"she said in a caring tone."I don't mind having breakfast mom,besides I'm not that hungry",I lied , honestly I am hungry but I will lose my apettite if I'll be having breakfast in this lifeless house.
"But honey--"
"It's really fine mom."I cut her off , before I'll lose control of myself
"Since your going , I'll call the driver to take you to school, I'll let him drive you using our limousine"
"limousine?woa--mom are you trying to show off what our compa---forget it, I'm going mom I'll take a bus and thanks for the offer but no, I'll refuse to take that." not allowing her to reply or to let the conversation go deeper---Im always tired to argue and I dont mind at all, I rushed through the hallways of our house to get to the main door and to get out of this house.

As soon as I'm outside,I could feel the cold wind brushed onto my skin causing me to shiver.I started to move my feet to get my ass on the bus stop. While I was walking,I couldn't help but admire the peaceful view of the trees beside the road while its leaves are falling on the road.

Before I knew it , I am just meters away from the bus stop, but what surprises me was a blonde-haired boy sitting in this early time---seems like his waiting a bus too---wait we are wearing the same uniform that means we are in the same university. I sat beside him not too close,neither too far.He took a glance on me noticing me and I replied him with a small grin,being able to catch a glimpse of the features of his face,he has those eyes that different from korean and his nose was too tall that made him look like---wait he's a foreigner. Being a top student of our university I speak english very well,ready to show off how good I am at speaking english,I cleared my throat and his attention drew onto  me ."So...I saw your a foreigner and we have the same uniform so I assume we are on the same university and I'm Lee Daehwi by the way"I straightly spoke out using my english language skills and offered my hand to shook his but...he didn't take it nor said any thing but he blink a couple of times until he saw my hand offering to shook his but instead of taking my welcoming offer he just stare on my eyes and we just lock eyes for a minute,of course I am not able to know what was going on in his head but one things for sure, his probably amuse--"You know what you dont need to speak english because I know you suck at it and I stayed here in Korea for more than 10 years,so you dont have to worry"he said in korean, I seat there frozen from my seat not able to let down my hand,still there expecting him to shook it but before I could reply or say something,I heard the familiar sound of engine coming from the bus, an indication that the bus has already arrived, the boy beside me stood up leaving me--still frozen but before he could hopped on the bus he turned to me and took my right hand that is now on my lap---the hand earlier that I offered for him ,I flinched from his action but he shook it and he opened his mouth to say something while his head was facing the other direction---maybe not ready to face me.

"by the way, name is Kim Samuel".

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