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In this world, there are two ways to find out who your soulmate is. One is when you're born colour blind, but once you touch your soulmate, you can see all colour. The one I was born with. Finding your soul mate is normally a beautiful thing.

Me, I wasn't so lucky.

I was born colour blind. I've only seen black and white, like those old movies. The day I saw colour for the first time was a terrible day.

My soulmate happened to be Rodger, the high school jock. My bully.

I was the high school nerd, so it was just a matter of time until he starts targeting me. The very moment he slammed me against the lockers for the first time was the moment I came to hate. That was the first time we came to contact, the first time I ever saw colour.

Whether I'm not his soul mate or he chooses to ignore it, I continue to be Rodger's main target. Every day, it's the same thing.

"Hey, Nick!" His deep voice would shout out. "My homework had better be done."

"It is." I would reply. "It's right here. Enough for a C+."

"Good." Rodger would sneer. "Anymore than that would get me caught."

I would nod and look at the ground as I hold out his assignment.

Lunch would be the same. Always make sure to have his lunch. The cafeteria food was never good enough for the star athlete.

"What do you have for me?" He would ask as he snatches the bag.

"A turkey sandwich with mustard and cheese." I would say, along with any additional food I stashed in there.

After school would be the same. A quick shove to the lockers as his backpack was shoved to my chest.

"My assignments had better be done on time." He would warn before walking off.

Every day. Same routine. I always watch his football practice while I do his work. I can't help but watch him. I know I should hate him, but I can't help being allured to him. The way his muscles would bulge through his shirt. His brown hair shining in the sun. His beautiful caramel skin glossing from the sweat. He's so enchanting. I guess that's the downside to having him as my soulmate.

You may think I'll end this story with him realizing his mistakes and come begging for my forgiveness. Not at all. This story will end with a very emotionally confused red headed nerd.

One day, while we were going through our regular routine, my things were knocked to the ground. While I was picking up my things, a mysterious fingerless gloved hand appeared to aid me. I followed their hand to a black leather jacket. It lead me up to the most gorgeous face I've ever seen.

Square jaw; tanned skin, piercing blue eyes; black hair styled much like an emo, comes to the right, but curly; plump red lips. He had what I believe was spider bites piercing on the left side of his lips. He was beautiful.

The shirt he wore was a black Hollywood Undead merchandise with black skinny jeans to match. Black. A colour I never would have thought I'd love.

My chest glowed with warmth as I stared at him in awe, my cheeks tinted pink making my freckles pop.

The stranger smiled at me as he stood, helping me up.

"I hope you're alright." He said as he handed me my physics book, his voice deep and rough.

I shook my head as I snapped back to reality. "Y-yeah. Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Good." He said. "Don't let him push you around too much."

I nodded, my mouth dry and my knees weak, my eyes fixated on his gorgeous face.


The stranger turned to a group of his friends.

"I'm coming!" He called before turning to me. "I'll see you around."

I nodded again, unable to speak as David turned and left. I watched him as he walked away with his friends, all dressed in different shades of black.

Once they were out of my sight, I turned and ran to the nearest bathroom. I ran to the mirror and my eyes widened. I saw a faint red glow shining through my light blue sweater.

The second way to find your soulmate.

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