Chapter 1

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I was rummaging through the remaining things in my locker, looking for the sunglasses I need because the sun is being a little bītch, I felt a nudge, more of a pull on my waist.

" Sup hot stuff!" I quickly spin around to see Sam standing behind me, my sunglasses on his head. " Excuse me, bubs, why are you wearing my sunglasses?" I say popping my hip out rolling my eyes.

"Am not, and even if I was they look way better on me." Rolling my eyes for the 15th time, " Oh my lord, you are such a diva. And btw the pink aviators just make you look even more gay and even a little chunky." I pat his toned abdomen, Sam looks at me bewildered I would say such a thing.

" Samuel you need to lay off the Oreos, you're getting kinda-" I try saying but Sam cuts me of by saying " I'm just gonna stop you there, and by the end of the trip I will basically be Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator 1 not 3 it all went down hill after one, you know."Sam gets a little smirk on his face.

I start laughing, but am quickly cut off by Sam turning around; looking at the list of who is camping with who. Sam pulled me over " Bìtch what the fück how  did you pull this off???" I look at him very confused then I look at the list I'm apparently rooming with Harry Styles; only the most popular, handsome man at our school. I definitely missed something there.

I stare blankly at the list. " There comes your Prince Charming now," I barely listen to what he is saying; I just stare at Harry.

I slam over to my locker after I pull my sunglasses off of Sam, his blond, curly hair fluffing up where the glasses used to be. I face my locker and shove as of much of my stuff back in.

Then I feel a little tap on my shoulder then I hear " Hey, Blake , it looks like we're rooming together." My heart melt the minute he says my name then I remember I need to use words . "More like tenting together." I start laughing at myself so hard I snort.

Harry giggles then says " You wanna eat lunch with us?"I look at Sam who has a disappointed look on his face. "I would love to hear you snort again, and seeing as thought we have to spend majority of the month together I figured I might as well get to know what your pet peeves are and what you-" I stop him mid sentence " Ok you don't have to sweet talk me, I'l be there. K?" Harry looked at me and smiled " k," Harry walked away and my heart started beating again. I grabbed my lunch because everyone knows that school lunch smells like majority of the freshman after gym class.

As I'm strolling down the hallways to get to my lunch date with Harry, Sam yells down the hallway "traitor!!" His face is angry but I know he will get over it, this is a once in a life time chance for me.

I walk into the cafeteria, which is just the gym with tables and chairs in it, it reeks of body odor. I walk in and look for Harry. He is sitting at the middle table but is surrounded by the "blonde twigs" as Sam called them. They are almost all cheerleaders and the only reason they pass is they flirt with nerds to do there work. (no offense to cheerleaders)

I go to sit down next to Sam, and I take one more look in his direction. He is signaling me over toward him. I pick up my food and he asks the nearest blond to scoot over which she must have taken as a loving gesture because she looked at him with hearts in her eyes, squealed then flipped her hair around like a bucking horse.

"Sit, I thought you might bail on me, I started to get worried!" He says says smiling, messing his long, brown hair.

" Don't you have these ... girls at your beck and call?" Yes; but none as beautiful as you my princess!! "Yeah but they don't have depth, I'm hoping you do, plus I need to hear you snort again! Wait wait wait, knock knock"

I pull out my pudding and a spoon, which is the only thing I will probably be eating considering I don't want to be shoveling food into my mouth while he was talking.

" Can you not," Harry looks at me sad." fine who's there. " Harry got a tiny smirk on his face then he said " boo" he flipped his hair. I smile " boo who?" I know the joke, I've heard it a million time I know the ending " oh don't cry it was only a joke!"

Harry puts his hand on mine and the other gently on my back. I laughed because I know that's exactly what he wanted to hear, I even threw in a little snort.

He started laughing and after a while of laughter Harry asked for my number. I gave him my number and then went to eating my pudding.

"May I?" Looking up at Harry's green eyes I nod.I had no idea what he wanted but he could have it.He takes my spoon out of my hand and plops it into the cup. Taking my hand he guided me over to Sam. I look at him wide eyed because I knew as soon as we sat down Sam would start going off on Harry.

Harry sat there calm until Sam was finished, after carefully considering everything he had said. What is he going to do? He takes a drawn out pause, collecting his words.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't ask you if it was okay if she could sit next to me at lunch but now I'm gonna ask you something..." my heart stops. Is he going to ask me out? " A bunch of the guys and I are going out to go out to see this movie tonight, before we go tomorrow and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come?"

"What movie?" Sam says with a stern look on his face. "Well, we were gonna see some nonsense movie but, whatever you guys wanna see i can probably convince the guys to watch it. Without even thinking I burst out " Me Before You!!!"

Harry smiles " Then it settles Harry pulls out his phone looking up times " How about the show at 8:30?" I think about it for a long second " Yeah that sounds great."

What have I gotten myself into...

Ok so now that the first chapters out I want you're guys opinion... should we have a surprise guest appearance from 1D members in the next chapter... they'll be there but idk about next chapter. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING I SHOULD HAVE THE NEXT CHAPTER OUT BY THE END OF THE WEEK ISH. 💖💖

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