start: Part 3

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This arona...Smells like....Coffee?
Its warm...

Evangeline, Listen.'

What. Who's there?! Where em I?!

The Anxiousness started to creep from my toes up. It was like slowly drowning. Something was off.

'Evangeline Calm down listen,

A voice said. I couldn't distiguish if it was a Woman's or a mans voice. It was Fast distressed voice.

'Stay Open minded of the things That are soon to come, Don't stray from the right path even If Temptation Comes your way'

What? What do you mean?! Who are you? What is this?! Em I dreaming?!

It was like being Driven Down deeper towards the bottomless ocean That  seems to be consuming me.

"AHHH!" My voice spat out hard and loud Startling Draven Who had His arms on my shoulders with a worried look.

"Breath" He said. I took me a second to realize both Tatiana and Aaron Where behind him, Tatiana With arm sustaining her other arm that had her hand brought up to her mouth As she nibbled on the nail of her thumb.
Aaron  had Abruptly  stood up.
That Startled Tatiana For a second
Tatiana said.

"she scared Meh!"
He responded.

"You are In my house. I tried calling Your mom But She didn't answer " Draven  said sitting Crossing his legs.

"Eve. Are you okay? What happened?"
Tatiana said while Kneeling next to Aaron

"Yes I'm fine,  I Don't know,  My head started to Hurt really badly but then Stopped and..."
I trailed Off Reminded Of what I had heard.  purposely leaving out the fact of what I dreamed of.

"and?" Aaron questioned "I'm Here. " I said In place of you see, I had a crazy dream of someone telling me to be open minded toward things to come.

I looked around I was on a Cream color Sofa That had A few plUshies here and There. A Rectangle  Crystal table With A nice Black Stand sat In the center of What It seems To be the living Room It had some pictures Of Draven As A toddler.

"what time is it?"

"9:23 pm... " Said Aaron Checking His Phone in hand.  "MY MOM IS GOING TO FREAK OUT"
I said Standing up Suddenly too fast for my body to process making me  flop back down.

"No, No, Chill Like I said She didn't awnser. take it easy. " Said Draven Looking kinda Gloomy. 

"Oh, Shes probably at work again, what Happened too me? why em I not in the hospital" I said Sitting down properly and slower.

Draven looked at Tatiana With Confused eyes.
"Eve, It was like when we where little.  He told us what happen its the same.  What worries me Is that This is the longest you've been out. "
Tatiana Marked as she sat Beside me laying a hand on my back. 
When I was little around 2 grade to 5 grade I would Faint ever so often, Mother took me to the Hospital but they found nothing Wrong.  I would usually be out for Few minutes or an hour at most. After i passed to 7 grade They just Stopped.

"we where going  to wait Until ten to take you To the hospital" Tatiana said.
Im pretty sure That If Someone fainted the logical thing to do was to go straight to medical assitence but I see my friends aint logical what so ever.
I placed my hand Resting my head As a make a sence of my own exitence for a moment  or so.

"Oh okay," I sighted and Shrugged, I saw Aaron Stand up and shuffled towards what i think was the kitchen just to walk Out seconds later with A Glass of cold Water Wrapped Around A Napkin. I dont know If other people Do this, But He would Alway wrap a Napkin. "Here," he handed it over to me "You need to hydrate" He flashed a lazy smile.

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