MASTER // a fidget spinner smut story

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It seemed to be a relatively cool day today, but I wouldn't know because I can only judge the weather from the sliver of a window visible in the cellar. I've been locked in here for god knows how long, but I didn't mind because my Master was usually kind to me.

The stream of sun from the window is currently sitting halfway across the wall, meaning it shouldn't be too long now until Master comes to see me. He always sees me when the sun reaches a small mark on the floor a couple feet away from where the sun is now.

When Master comes to visit, we can find ourselves doing a random variety of different things. Sometimes he'll give me a nice meal and talk about life, and other times he'll chain me to the wall choking me whilst abusing my ass with different objects. Sometimes with himself if I'm lucky. When I heard the aggressive whirring coming towards the cellar door, I could almost tell that today was going to be one of those rough days.

The door slams open and he's quickly spinning towards me, pinning me to the wall with two of his fidget spinner arms, the third one resting between my legs.

"Someone's been bad, haven't they?" He whispers huskily into my ear, rubbing his lower third against my lower half. I moan softly, but whimper when he removes himself from me, constricting my neck instead.

"When I ask you a question, I expect an answer. Got it, slut?" He spits at me, barely giving me enough air to choke out a 'yes sir'.

He let's go and spins me around, bending me over the soft pile of blankets I call a bed. He presses up behind me, and reaches under me to my nipples so he could put two fidget spinner clamps on them. He gives them a light flick and grunts loudly in pleasure watching them spin. He forces one third of his body inside me, stretching me largely as he was human sized. I screamed at the intrusion.

"Baby you like that?" He breathes out as he forces himself in and out of me. "Oh fuck yes please more Master!" I moan back at him, despite the pain he's causing me.

He grunts again in satisfaction, before forcing the next third of his hard body inside my stretched ass. He lets out a small scream to quietly match my loud one. I can barely take the pleasure of two of his fidgety arms pounding inside me, Master has never put me through this much before.

He flips me over quickly, the fidget spinners on my nipples still going. He didn't leave my body whilst flipping me, leaving my screams to get louder with each thrust. "Fuck, if you keep screaming like that someone will hear," he grunts. I don't stop screaming from the pleasure abuse so he shoves a moving fidget spinner down my throat. I make a sexy choking moaning noise around the spinner, which only gets more intense as he forces the last of his body inside of mine. I can feel the large mass of his body spreading inside mine, some of him stretching my legs and arms into new shapes. He continues to wriggle completely inside me, until I take the shape of a fidget spinner myself.

He starts to spin us around on the cellar floor, creating a forceful wind that manages to blow the walls and even the house right off the ground. Soon, we're a human-fidget spinner hybrid tornado, spinning around the neighbourhood destroying everything around us. A school appears on the horizon approaching us, and children can be seen spinning their own fidget spinners and smiling.

The smiles are wiped off their young faces as all their fidget spinners start expanding and growing into human size, spinning into the air and knocking everyone dead with the force of the wind. They all follow Master and I, spinning off into the distance on our path to world destruction.

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