Chapter 12

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Ally's POV:

It was dark down here. Dark, and cold. Very, very cold. But I couldn't move. I physically couldn't move. It was like once I heard it, my mind shut down. My legs gave out, and my heart stopped beating. But I made it down here.

I was having a nice day, and Charlie left. I figured I'd do some cleaning around the house, help out Mrs. Tomlinson. After I was done, I sat on the couch to watch some TV until Louis got home. I turned on the TV, and the news turned on with a Breaking News update. I decided I'd better watch it, it was probably just a car crash. I shouldn't have watched it. I should've switched the channel immediately, but I didn't. It was a jail the jail where he is (or was) at.

He made the list, of course. The list of people they couldn't catch. I didn't know what to do. I felt so paralyzed, in horror. He knows where both Louis and I live. I left my phone upstairs and everything, and went down into the basement. I haven't left since. I don't know what Louis will think, how he will react. Maybe he knows, and he's looking for me. I feel bad, I actually feel bad that I can't move.

I knew it, after all. I knew that this day was too good to be true. Something would have to backfire on me, what else did I expect? For once, I feel safe and confident with myself, and it's ruined. How will I sleep tonight? How will I ever sleep? I don't know where he is, or if he'll come in my sleep. He'll be in my nightmares, my visions, everything. He was, and now will appear again. I can't even get the nerve to say his name.

I could feel my heart beating fast, the color draining from my face. Everything I had, was leaking out of me slowly. I couldn't even cry. It was all too familiar, all of this. It's just never going to end, is it? It's just going to keep going and going, until I'm taken again. I want to end it now, I want to leave this place. I can't, I can't get the nerve to do that either. The guilt would be too hard, being gone. Watching over Louis in pain. I can't do it.

I couldn't see anything, only darkness. I felt so alone, inside of myself. I was in denial. I could already tell, because I had been through it before. I was scared, petrified. I didn't want to be put through this, I didn't want to get taken again.

A knock on the basement door stopped my heart completely. I was shaking, but I couldn't speak. I couldn't move, and I couldn't even think straight. "Ally? Ally are you down there? It's Paul, open the door." I couldn't open the door, I couldn't move.

It sounded like Paul, he spoke like Paul. I didn't want to risk anything. It could be him, tricking me. My mind could be playing tricks on me. I was in a daze, I was in denial. I couldn't believe it was happening again. I didn't want this, I didn't want this at all.

There was a repeated banging on the door. Not like he was knocking, either. It kept banging, and banging, and I heard a large bang. It was loud, and it startled me, but it wasn't enough to make me move. He had knocked the door down. Rushed footsteps came down the stairs, and the lights turned on. They blinded my eyes, and I was squinting from the light.

He ran over to me, his face all red, and his police badge was all crooked. Hi Paul, I thought. He looked down at me, breathing in and out. He sounded and looked like he had just run a marathon. That's what my heart felt like, too.

"Thank god. I've been looking for you. We're going to the police station. Can you move?" I couldn't even shake my head to respond, I just sat there with the thoughts stuck in my head. "Let me get you up."

He went to lift me up, but instead I stood up. I just need to get to safe grounds. I just need to see Louis. I hope he isn't going crazy. He probably doesn't even know. Paul was surprised that I was walking, but I followed him upstairs. He held my arm, and rushed me out to the police car.

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