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Some kids at school think im in a cult snd murdered kids that left with out say. Thay wouldnt be compleatly wrong about that. Later today i whent into the woods and found wirds symbols....i felt like some one was watching me the whole time thare....i felt sick to my gut and soul, i passed out and woke up with that same symbol on my hand it wont come off....its like a tattoo. After that happened i didnt feel sick and things in my town were difrent pepole looked at me like i was crazy so i stoped talking about the man i saw in the woods...some said "mabey it was just a hobo" doctors said "have you been takeing you been takeing your medication" i whant to know what i am.....whats going on with me.....

:Day 2 of log #3:
I found out that the man i saw was known as slenderman...his folowers are called proxies.
So im a proxy. Thare are cults for him. Mabey i should start my own....fuck....what am i thinking....im not my self eney more. He is takeing over my life like a plege. Ill find out more.....i must find out more. I dont know how meney days,months or years it will take.....how meney of thease logs i'll make....i must find out what the hell is going on if thares other thinks like "HIM" or if im just over thinking every thing about this. I dont care eney more about eney thing...my friends think im crazy.
I will find out and i dont care who i have to kill or hurt to find out!!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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