Chapter Fourteen

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He dug through years worth of paper, looking for that one that would give them the killer.

By now, Latrelle had at least fifty paper cuts, and there was still a mountain of paper before him that ad to be searched.

This sucks, but if it'll help Rosa, then I don't care, he thought.

"I'm not gonna let her get killed because of my decision," he said aloud. Suddenly, a small square caught his attention. He would've missed it had it not been for the bright red stain on it. Hre carefully picked it up and unfolded it to see it was another journal entry. Except it wasn't from when Rick was in the military.

February 10, 2017

I've noticed him everywhere I go. Kyle's always following me, looking at me with a perturbed expression. I'm starting to think he's after me. I don't know why, though. I never ratted him out for selling those weapons.

February 12, 2017

I've started noticing the tricks a former Marine would use. They were strewn throughout my office these last two days, and no one else except Kyle was in the Marine Corps. I need to go to the cops, but I can't without telling them what he was doing over there.

February 16, 2017

Kyle is --

The rest of the writing was illegible, as blood obscured it. Latrelle placed the paper in a plastic bag and ran through the house, drove all the way to Kevin's, and into Harold's office, where he was sure to be. When he saw the graying man, he handed him the paper, huffing. Harold looked at it, picked it up, and read it. A few minutes passed, and he stood up.

"Come with me," he said. He grabbed his keys and drove them to the courthouse.

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